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IZH-46M, Newbe with some questions

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:05 pm
by Guest
I just recently purchased an IZH-46M pistol and as a newbe, have some questions.

First of all, I was astounded at how light the trigger is on this gun. Not having ever shot a match gun, I just can’t believe how slight (and light) a movement is required to fire it. I’m curious just what you would suppose the trigger weight is right out of the box?

I know there are several adjustments that can be made to the trigger, however the manual doesn’t tell you how to adjust it. Would you suggest leaving it as is for now (I’m tempted not to mess with it)?

It also seems like the grips could be more comfortable. I’ve read where some have used a Dremel tool to carve finger recesses on the left front side. As it is, it’s just a sharp edge. Any ideas about making such a modification?

What about cleaning and lubrication? What kind of oil is recommended for the pump seals?

Finally, what about pellets. I bought several tins including:

RWS Meisterkugeln
RWS Hobby
JSB Match Diabolo (green tin)
Beeman Wadcutter (special coating)
Gamo Match

The Gamo Match is the cheapest and is available locality, as are the Meisterkugeln. Are the Gamo’s any good? And what’s the deal with the “special” coating on the Beeman. They are said to have less lead content and maximize velocity. They’re almost black.

I’m new to all this, and really appreciate the information.

Excelent Gun

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:34 pm
by GeorgeS
Dear Friend,

I must tell you that my almost new IZH-46M came with the trigger adjusted around 530 grams. For match (10M ISSF) the minimun is 500 gram. I really suggest not to mess with the trigger and with the grips for a while. Try to learn the basics with it and get used to it first.

About the pellets i have test many and there is almost no difference from one to another. Now i use gamo match and it works nice. Again dont get worry about this at first.

About the maintenance i have heard many teories but i really suggest not to lube it too much it can be dangerous for the IZH. You can stick to the manual or

Finally, good luck, keep practicing and try to use it as is for about 6 months and then you will exactly know what you will like to change.

Re IZH46-M

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 6:37 pm
by kiwi47
I'd back up what George S replied. The trigger will have been set to comply with the ISSF minimum of 500 grams, so I'd suggest leaving well alone. If you decide to modify the chunky grips, use a rasp and sandpaper, and just remove a little at a time. Any power tool might remove too much material, especially if it has a tyro like me operating it!! By slow and careful shaping, you can tailor the grips to suit your hand perfectly. As for pellets - I shoot Gamo Match, and have managed a "possible" (ie: 50/50 in ten shots) with them. I believe the shooter has MUCH more influence on scores than the pistol or pellet!
Good shooting, and maybe we'll see you on some of the internet matches!


Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 8:39 pm
by Guest
Thank you both for all the good information. I love this trigger, but it did take some getting use to. . . I've had my share of shots fired before I was ready! I'm getting much better with it now, but still have a long way to go. I really enjoy the "mind over matter" aspect of the game, and have found it to be rather adictive.

Thanks again

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 8:44 pm
by scout18
Hi there My pistol came with about a 200 gram trigger. It was frustrating
to shoot it at first. Finallyafter trying to get info on adjusting it, I just went for it . I first made a 510 gram weight that had a hook that I could rest on a the table. then I backed out the csrew until it did not fire. Then I simply played around with the adjustments until I found one that I liked. Now keep in mind that while new to this type of shooting I have a vast experience with field type military weapons and a few fine rifles. I do not consider my self an expert armorer but Iam no novice. That being said if you make quarter turns at at time and write down what you have done you should be fine. If you can adjust a carburetor you can adjust this trigger.

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 8:52 pm
by scout18
Oh Yeah, I have slimmed, trimmed added a little wood epoxy stuff and generally fussed with my grip. Now when I pick it up and raise it to the target it points naturally and when I squeeze the trigger it there is no effect on the sight picture. Now if I could just get rid of that 3rd shot spasm. (grin) By the way after 3 matches my PR with my Baikal is 540. Search the archives and try the canadian shooting site for a some good shooting and tuning tips. Small steps when it comes to tuning your pistol. As mentioned above in about 6 moths you will certainly know what you need to cahnge. good luck.

custom grips for izh pistols

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:47 pm
by bloodred bows
I build custom left and right hand grips for the IZH-46m pistols. They are cut smaller to fit the hand better and more comfortably. They are also built from premium hardwoods, stippled in palm area and finger grooves cut in front. They can be viewed at http://www.woodsandwateroutdoors.comGo to Special Projects page