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Matchguns MG2

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 1:24 pm
by trinity
Hey all,

I recently had a chance to try this at the Canadian Nationals from Scott Illingworth. Aside from the ability to swivel the barrel in any direction, as well as the excellent recoil characteristics, I must say, the thing that impressed the most, was the trigger. It had the nicest trigger I've ever felt on a standard pistol. I couldn't believe it was legal, but Scott assured me it was as it was what he was shooting with at the nationals. The trigger reminded me very much of the Morini AP's trigger, it was just so unbelievably smooth.

Scott did have a number of malfunctions with this pistol, occassionally the pistol would not cock after a round was fired. Now I am not sure if it is because of the particular way he had the trigger set (maybe it was set too close to its allowed limits), or if it was because the pistol was brand new and needed to be worked through some high velocity ammo, or did the pistol need some oil in certain parts. But these did malfunctions do concern me, as a new pistol shouldn't have these problems.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else has had this pistol for any period of time. And if so, what kind of experiences they've had over time, and if they've had the problem I described above.
