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Air Pistol Progress

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 5:15 pm
by dave_samK11
I was wondering if anybody had any experience in the typical progress of new shooters.

The reason I am asking that I took up Air pistol shooting at the start of febuary and I was wondering what sort of progress I am making.

Since moving up from a Gamo compact to a SAM K11 my average score over a 60 shot course is now about 510 with my PB being 521.

Is this any good?

Many thanks in advance


Air Pistol progress

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 3:15 am
by kiwi47
Hi David,

I've returned to AP shooting after a long absence, and ahve been shooting pretty steadily for about 18mths. My average is in the mid 520s, and my PB is 540, so you're doing really well! I find it takes a while to go up a "step" in scores, but its immensely satifying when I do. Just shot my first "possible" yesterday!


Air pistol progress

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 1:16 pm
by phil
I am also using a SAM K11 since 2 years, it has great trigger and a very good Morini grip. My PB is 547 in 60 shots and 371 in 40 shots match. I am sure you results will increase with the training, it takes a long time to find correct adjustements and feel perfect with such a pistol.

Good luck

10m air pistol

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 4:15 pm
by Nano

in some part I have read, that should train at least 5 times per week to be able to improve, that is impossible for people that work or they study, for that reason I recommend you that every night you grab your pistol and make about 15 minutes of dry shots.
That accustoms to your subconscious to get used at the 2 times of the trigger, to the weight of the weapon and the aims, I consider that you can improve a lot with that simple exercise, your score is good!!, when I changes gun, don't improve anything, alone some months later I could increase my score in 5 points.

Re: Air Pistol Progress

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 12:02 pm
by akihmsa
You are shooting in the 8 ring on average. It is much faster to go from the 6 ring on average to the 8 ring than it will be to mke it just one ring higher (9 ring). The natural progression is to see your scores o up fairly quickly while you get the basics down and then a very slow gain afterwards. If you set goals and make them then that is what is important. Make them realistic for your life circumstances! Not everyone can shoot at the Olympics. For many of us our biggest contribution is to create and maintain a good local club where shooting is fun and we encourage all to participate.
dave_samK11 wrote:I was wondering if anybody had any experience in the typical progress of new shooters.

The reason I am asking that I took up Air pistol shooting at the start of febuary and I was wondering what sort of progress I am making.

Since moving up from a Gamo compact to a SAM K11 my average score over a 60 shot course is now about 510 with my PB being 521.

Is this any good?

Many thanks in advance


Progress with AP

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 8:49 am
by Ithaca

I started shooting AP last October. A couple of weeks after I shot at a local competition 514.
Since I train 4 days per week (on an average basis), and last week-end I shot 545 at another local competition, while my training average is around 550.

Training (dry and live) and advice from former AP competitors helped a lot in my hard way to bullseye shooting ;-)

I using a Morini 162EI.


Re: Air Pistol Progress

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:02 am
by Claudio
dave_samK11 wrote: Since moving up from a Gamo compact to a SAM K11 my average score over a 60 shot course is now about 510 with my PB being 521.

Is this any good?

Many thanks in advance

The scores sound good to me.
It all depends on how long you have been shooting, how much and what type of training you do and what your scores were with the Gamo.

Many shooters progress very rapidly and then level out or drop before they improve again. If you stay at this level for too long and you want to improve, you have to make some changes. It is not only about how many times you shoot pellets but also how much dry fire or other quality training that you do. It will also depend on your approach to training and if you stay on a training plan.

You must remember, like others have said, your improvement might only be a few points at a time and over a longer period but consistency is the key with proper training.

We could respond better if we knew more details and we could coach you better.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 5:45 pm
by dave_samK11
I've been shooting since febuary, my scores are still improving.
I shoot about 3 times a week and I know should do more dry firing and I am starting to find time to do it.

As my scores improve it pushes me to work harder, and as I improve my stance,grip and follow through, my averages are improving.

Thanks for your answers they are encouraging and thanks for your help


Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:43 pm
by Guest
I just started back after a 3 month dry spell. My average was 527. I have fired 3-60's over the last 3 days. Day one 475 yuk, day two 501, today 513. I wished I could make that type of progress for another 8 or 9 times ;~) Ohhh must be dreaming again!!

These score are with a Daisy 747. When I get my average to 540 I am going to reward myself with a Tau-7.

I would say you are doing very well David. At a local level your scores will keep em all working harder.
dave_samK11 wrote:I've been shooting since febuary, my scores are still improving.
I shoot about 3 times a week and I know should do more dry firing and I am starting to find time to do it.

As my scores improve it pushes me to work harder, and as I improve my stance,grip and follow through, my averages are improving.

Thanks for your answers they are encouraging and thanks for your help



Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:05 pm
by dps1226
I do not see anything regarding what you are working on ...other than score. Your scores will climb but you need to focus on the fundamentals
and truly forget score. Master the basics and totally learn the feel of your trigger. Make trigger control and Follow Thru your mantra. Keep your trigger moving but do not move the sights. Turn your targets around and shoot the blank paper....shoot for group and perfect fundamentals ...
Skanaker says " you must hold the pistol motionless after the release of the shot , making it a part of the aiming process ; rather than the end of the action.".......if you truly focus on your sight and forget the target ,you will be amazed ....once your group is the size of the nine ring....your screw driver will get your score to at least 540