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Indoor Range for 3P-Houston

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 11:27 am
by kbean
Anyone know if there is an indoor range on the Houston area where I can take kids to practice smallbore and air rifle 3P?
Thank you!

Re: Indoor Range for 3P-Houston

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 5:36 pm
by acorneau
I can't think of any indoor range that would be a good fit for practicing 3-P in Houston.

Obviously I don't know about every indoor range in the area but I have yet to hear about any range that isn't your usual "stand in a stall with a bench in front of you" kind of place. I would guess that asking to shoot kneeling or prone would get a big old "no".

Also, the kind of folks that go to these places like to rip off their 15 to 20 rounds in a minute or two. It's going to be loud and very distracting for a precision shooter.

If you do hear about a place that's more in tune with needs of the 3-P style of shooter please let us know. I don't shoot 3-P, but smallbore and air rifle silhouette at Bayou Rifles. Our range still has 2.5 feet of water on it from all the rain we had a week ago. I'd love to hear about someplace that was not the usual indoor range.

Re: Indoor Range for 3P-Houston

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 6:08 pm
by PaulB
Locate the 4-H shooting club near you and find out where they shoot.

Re: Indoor Range for 3P-Houston

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:58 am
by kbean
You’re right about indoor ranges generally being a “no”, which is why I was hoping someone here might have a suggestion. I haven’t had luck with the 4H ranges, they generally seem to be open for members in that county during season only.

I appreciate the feedback, and if I find a solution I’ll post back.

Re: Indoor Range for 3P-Houston

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2021 9:43 pm
by Brazos
I am taking my daughter to a 3P camp here at the end of the month and the are having the 3P state championship in September. I have never been there but it is my understanding they have an indoor range for 3P. ... al-center/ I do not know any details like whether the range is only used for camps and matches or if it is a range you can go shoot at anytime.