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Diet for a Olympic Shooter

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 11:17 am
by graceshooter
Hi everyone,

I've been looking for a long time ago a diet for a shooter but I couldn't find any much information about it.

In my country, Spain, we don't usually have couches, psicologists or nutricionists for our sport. We have to do everything for ourselfs and sometimes it's very difficult to find the answers.

I think that all of this is caused because in Spain Olympic Shooting it's minority sports and, sometimes, is not well seen.

I'll see some articles in the USA shooting web ( ... /nutrition) but I would ask to all of you if you have an specific diet or can you have me some tips to follow.

I would like to ask you too, if it's not too inconvenient, if you follow any specific exercise to improve the shooting activity, because I usually go to the gym but I don't do a concrete excersices.

Thank you so much and I'm so sorry for my english.


Re: Diet for a Olympic Shooter

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 5:39 pm
by Pat McCoy
Here is a short list I used to give to my junior shooters:
Better Shooting Food Skills Tips:
Steady Nerves – Whole Grain & Enriched Breads and Cereals; Peanuts; Pork; Lean
meats; Fish; Poultry; Liver; Brewer’s yeast and Yeast; Dark Green leafy vegetables;
Avocados; Oranges and orange juice; Navy, lentil, and Lima beans; Milk; Eggs and

Stamina – Organ meats; Oysters; Lean meats; Eggs; leafy green vegetables; Dried pea
and beans; Enriched breads and cereals. (Iron enhancing things).

Hydration – Water; Water; Water; juice

Endurance – Plenty of calories; Fruits and juices; Vegetables; Breads; Pastas; Potatos;
Meats; Fish; Poultry; Butter; Oils and Nuts.

Homemade sport drink: 1 quart juice, ½ C sugar, 2tsp REAL (band name) salt (includes
Trace minerals), water to make 1 gallon. (recipe may be tweaked to suit your taste).

Suck on prune pit or plum pit to keep saliva in mouth.

Stay away from stimulants (caffeine & sugar).

Re: Diet for a Olympic Shooter

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 8:24 am
by Th.

Re: Diet for a Olympic Shooter

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2019 10:24 pm
by Rover
I recall shooting at the US Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs.

I was impressed by the quality and variety of the food served to the athletes in the cafeteria there.

Unfortunately, I remember the selection made by the consumers was pathetically less than optimum for good performance.

Good luck with trying to train them into a good diet.

Re: Diet for a Olympic Shooter

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2019 8:37 am
by atomicgale
. . . then Rover started a Food Fight & they threw it all over the floor . . . .
