hat happens to my shot if i change the grip.

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hat happens to my shot if i change the grip.

Post by CamelNL »

Dear fellow shooters.

I got a question. I've got a Glock 34 gen 4. As most of us know you can change the back grip to adjust your grip. What happens with my shot if i add or remove a grip? Im gonna try it in a while but curious what other will predict.

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Re: hat happens to my shot if i change the grip.

Post by dronning »

Point of impact will change but how much will depend on your grip and how you change it. It's almost impossible to predict just too many variables. You just have to try it.
Last edited by dronning on Sun Nov 23, 2014 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Ed Hall
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Re: hat happens to my shot if i change the grip.

Post by Ed Hall »

As to shot placement, it's anyone's guess, but the basic reason to change anything about the grip is to allow it to consistently align the sights when you come up on target. Just as important, is to be able to maintain that grip throughout a string of sustained fire.
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