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Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 1:38 pm
by COBelties
Does anyone have a good scatt file or video of the effects of pulse on a shooter? Im just curious as to what to look for in identification of a pulse related issue.

Re: Pulse

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 4:10 pm
by rotor
I can not address you a scatt video file but, tracking pulse errors depends on the shooting position.
In prone shooting, pulse has the least effect. Then comes the standing and finally (and surprisingly for some shooters:)) at kneeling you'll probably get the most pulse effect.
Let's say, in standing position, a "normal" pulse will carry the aiming point from 10.9 to 10.4. But it can even carries it up to 8.0 in a worsecase scenario.
The pattern of the pulse depends on the position. In standing it will generally generate a northwest, north or northeast muzzle jump (or their combinations). Prone will generate a north-northeast jump. And kneeling will generate everything:) but in general it generates a (east first) horizontal dense muzzle movement.
How can you derive the pulse jump from other shooting errors? Well i suggest you to search for some movement which is rythmic (generally 60-90 beats per minute), very quick (begins and lasts in an eye blick time) and has the same exact pattern each time.
Hope this helps.