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NRA class

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:34 am
by gitkrunk
So i have shot in three 2700s and currently have a temp class book. Do i average all the scores for my class or just the most recent? still waiting for my NRA class card to come in.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 12:08 pm
by GunRunner
Since you shot 3 full 2700s the NRA will classify you on a average of the first two. to move up from there it will be a average of two back to back 2700s after those.

From the rule book;
19.15 Individual Class Averages - Competitors will be classified as follows and NRA Classification Cards issued accordingly:
TABLE II - INDIVIDUAL, percentage based on 2700.
High Master.........................................................97.00% and above
Master.....................................................................95.00 to 96.99
Expert......................................................................90.00 to 94.99
Sharpshooter...........................................................85.00 to 89.99
Marksman..................................................................Below 85.00
19.16 Establishing Classification - A competitor will be officially classified by the NRA when the total score for a minimum of 360 shots has been reported for either indoor or outdoor. However, classification averages will be computed only after the total score for a tournament or league has been posted and, therefore, the average may be based on a greater number of shots, but will not be based upon a lesser number. Total scores so reported to the NRA will be posted to the Classification Record for the competitor concerned. When the scores for the stated minimum of 360 shots (or more if this minimum is reached during the scores of any tournament or league) have been so posted, the average score per I O-shot string will be computed. The competitor will be sent an Official NRA Classification Card based on the average so computed and according to the table in Rule 19.15, which classification will become effective the date shown on the card issued by NRA.

Re: NRA class

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 11:00 am
by Isabel1130
gitkrunk wrote:So i have shot in three 2700s and currently have a temp class book. Do i average all the scores for my class or just the most recent? still waiting for my NRA class card to come in.

You NRA classification is going to be based on your last 360 shots, so go by your last 360 shots, unless you have a group of 360 consecutive shots that would yield a higher classification.

Your indoor classification can be used for outdoors, until you have an outdoor classification.

As you have noticed, this will cross matches.

This can get dangerous if you shoot a lot of matches that are only rimfire, where the scores are reported.

You can easily find yourself bumped up to expert while shooting low sharpshooter scores in centerfire and 45 (but with Master scores in .22)

This almost always happens in an indoor classification because of sectionals and state championships.

It also can happen when you go to a 2700 and just shoot the .22 for record.

The NRA has an online system to look up your current classification. It might be reflected there before you actually get your card, which will have a date on it.

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 12:48 pm
by Trooperjake
The NRA usually makes a run before Perry, but in this digital age, it may classify you before you get a card.
Go on line at the NRA competitions site and check your status.
One thing that may hold it up, is how fast the match director submits the score. If the match was classified a monthly league, the scores do not get submitted till the end of the season. In that case, average your matches to get a temp class.

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 9:47 pm
by gitkrunk
Checked the NRA sight as they me classed @ SS... But not till June 18. I have a match before that though.

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:03 pm
by Isabel1130
gitkrunk wrote:Checked the NRA sight as they me classed @ SS... But not till June 18. I have a match before that though.
Ok. Better to shoot as a Sharpshooter than an unclassified master. :-)