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SCATT USB problem target units?

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 5:45 pm
by ABoyd57946
Hello all, question for those with a SCATT USB.

I went to dry fire and my Windows PC will not recgonize the USB cable connecting my PC with the target control unit. The connection seems very loose between the cable from my PC to the odd looking plug in at the unit. Any suggestions on how to fix it? It worked a week ago although its always had a loose connection. My software and optical sensor seem to be fine. I reinstalled the drivers but still no luck.

Any help is appreciated.


Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 8:37 pm
by mtncwru
Can you post photos of the bit you're referring to as a loose connection? I suspect that would be helpful.

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 2:36 pm
by ABoyd57946
As requested here are pictures of the component plugged in and unplugged. Please let me know your thoughts.

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 2:47 pm
by mtncwru
Things to try:
1.) A different USB cable. If you don't have another with the proper ends, you can either order one from a place like Newegg ( or check your local electronics store. IIRC, you want an A-Male to B-Male cable. Bring the cable with you to the store if you're not sure, and just buy one that looks the same.

2.) A different SCATT Widget. From what you're describing, I strongly suspect that the connector in the SCATT part is broken, as it's usually the female ports that get trashed on USB connections. If you can borrow one to check, that would be ideal. Otherwise you may need to contact SCATT directly for a replacement. If you do wind up needing a new one, you can talk to the folks at Center Shot Sports (assuming you're in the US); they may have some ideas, too.

Good luck!


Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 8:20 am
by tenring
Mine often says it is not recognizing the target control too. but it is a driver issue with mine. I just have to plan on reloading the drivers before each use. Sometimes more than once. That is my gripe.


Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:15 am
by John Marchant
Have you loaded the latest version of the drivers 6.48.1.
This might help solve some of the problems.

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:24 pm
by ABoyd57946
Hello again John, Tenring, et al -

Right, so I took your advice and downloaded both the SCATT Pro ver. 6.47 and the latest drivers ver 2.13 from Sadly the problem is still there.

In the interest of brainstorming here is a pic of the inside of the female target control unit connector. Is this the same as those who have a working SCATT USB? The reason I am asking is I wonder if this end is damaged. What do you think? I suspect that might be the case as stated earlier by mtncwru.

Second question Does anyone have a point of contact in the US where I live for SCATT? I emailed both Center Shot Sports and SCATT USA but have not received a response yet. I also tried calling Center Shot Sports but their toll free number was disconnected on their website. Anyone have a working tel number for them? I bought my SCATT there three years ago. My goal would be if needed to buy a new target control unit and try to troubleshoot this.

Thanks in advance Tony

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:56 pm
by cmj
You have not said if you changed computers, If you changed computers to windows 8 or 8.1 and have not upraded the firmware then there is a big problem. I have also found that the target and sensor are sensitive as to which port they are plugged into. Sometimes I need to unplug and plug back in to get the drivers to load. The plug should not have caused any damage. If you go to device mangager does it show the target control at all, or there is a problem with it. little yellow triangle on it? I just check the device manager everytime I plug it in to make sure both are running correctly, saves time.

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 8:03 pm
by mtncwru
Your photo is a bit blurry, but offhand it looks like your connector is broken. The part in the middle should be roughly centered in the connector, not off to one side, which it appears that it is. There's a really good picture at ... ctor_B.jpg If your's doesn't look like that, something's busted.

The toll-free number for CenterShot is a dud, but the not-toll-free one works fine. I can't get to their website from work, but if memory serves it's a 417 area code. It usually takes Janet a couple days to get through email, but she's always been good about getting back to me.

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 8:04 pm
by jhmartin
Current Versions are 6.51 and 2.15 drivers (as well as the firmware Fred mentioned)

Go here to download:

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 8:49 pm
by ChipEck
My unit is only a year old. Mine has a rectangular piece of plastic in the middle and mine does not have the metal tab this is sticking down slightly on the wide straight jack that you have on yours.

You could try disabling any anti-virus software you have and reinstall the driver?? Make sure you turn anti-virus software back on after the install.


Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 12:18 am
by mtncwru
The current number for Center Shot is 479-262-2584.

Here ( is a better view of what the plug part should look like. If yours doesn't have that plastic bit in the middle, it's broken. If it's not there, check the plug on the cable; I've seen them break off in the plug before, especially if they're already loose to begin with.

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 8:15 pm
by sdesrocher
My SCATT USB is only two weeks old and also has a connection problem. The only software combination that works for me is 6.51 with the previous (version 2.13) driver set. I tried running the most recent driver set and it didn't work at all. I had to revert to the version 2.13 driver set and run a firmware update on the target unit. Even so, I have to hit the calibration (F2) key about 10 to 20 times before I can actually get a signal and calibrate the sensor. Thanks to those who suggested checking the Device Manager. That may be a time saver. Any others have another fix?

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 12:25 pm
by ABoyd57946
Hello all,
After taking a pair of tweezers to my USB port I was able to very carefully straighten the one bent USB pin causing the problem. So for now that's is getting me by and my SCATT is working. Thank you for your help. FYI a replacement is USD $239 at MEC website.

Thanks, Tony

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 8:07 pm
by shooter_dave
Has anyone had any luck with fixing their driver issues? I started back up with my SCATT system a week or so ago using the most recent drivers. It takes me as long as 30 minutes of troubleshooting before the software finally recognizes the device and will occasionally stop working mid practice.

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 2:49 am
by John Marchant
New drivers have just been released.