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Looking to start library

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 4:13 pm
by shooter'sdad
Looking for suggestions on books that would make up a sound basis for shooting library. 3 objectives...
1) teenage intermediate rifle and pistol shooter (air and .22)
2) 4-H kids from 9-18 mostly beginners
3) a novice 4-H coach (me) for air and .22 pistol and rifle

Titles already hunting down include MEC 2009 Ways of the Rifle, Fenning's Smallbore Rifle Shooting: A Practical Guide, 1988 Yur'yev Competitive Shooting, MEC Air Rifle Shooting, With Winning in Mind.

Any missing? Any that shouldn't be on the list?

Thanks for all thoughts!


Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 4:14 pm
by mtncwru
I'm a fan of Steps to Success: Rifle. It's written by Launi Meili, head coach at USAFA.

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 5:09 pm
by COBelties
I liked the manual I received with the Level 1 Coaches Course which also contained a copy of Launi Meili's book. I use it alot to help work through basic positions or added supplement. In pursuing my level 3 coaches course I took the ASEP Sports First Aide which I thought was really good and I have recommended all of our coaches and 4-H leaders take it.

For some interesting reading, I liked (and several of my shooters have to) A Shot at History. Sounds goofy but it provides some interesting key elements that the other books are great at (ie With Winning in Mind) but because of the perspective its almost more relatable?