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Pardini SP problem

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 5:22 pm
by sveinrj

6 monthes ago I bought a Pardini SP New, and i often have feedingproblem.
I fire the first shot and then it will not feed the 2nd shot.
(it is only after 1st shot)
I can feel that the recoil is different (weaker) than the rest of the shots.

I have tried many different types of amo
I clean the gun and magasine so I don't think it's any dirt.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 6:17 pm
by Gwhite
The second shot is the first one where the slide comes back riding on the top round in the magazine, and the 2nd round is the one with the most force pushing up against the slide from the magazine spring. That is why it can misbehave more at that point in the process.

Even if the pistol is clean, it may need better lubrication to overcome the drag from the extra upward force. Make sure the slide & barrel are oiled well, and it wouldn't hurt to put some oil or thin grease on the top of the flat area in the back of the slide. That runs against one of the chrome cross pins in the frame. It's a good idea to put some grease on the bottom of the slide where it rubs against top of the hammer. All of those sliding contact areas can slow the slide down, and the extra drag of round #2 could push it over the edge.

You say it doesn't feed, but there are several ways that can occur. The slide may not come back far enough to pick up the second round, or it could pick it up, and not insert it properly into the chamber. If it fails to chamber correctly, there could be a couple ways that happens (nose too high, nose too low, slide over-riding the back of the cartridge), that might provide more info.

One other thing to investigate: Try different magazines. You also don't indicate if this is a new issue, something it has always done, or how many rounds you have fired through it. It may just need a little more "breaking in". Alternatively, if you have shot it a lot, and/or stored it with the slide locked fully open, the recoil spring could need replacing.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 4:03 am
by JamesH
Could be the rounds not stacked correctly in the magazine, rough chamber, weak recoil spring.

Or marginal firing pin strike.

I have a FAS which is marginal and often rounds just don't seem to ignite thoroughly, usually the first round.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 10:46 am
by ricchap
I also have the same problem with my SP New. It only happens after I clean my gun and add oil to the barrel and firing chamber. I do swipe the barrel and chamber clean before heading to the range, but the first round almost always does not eject. It is only the first shot of the day. After the first shot, the gun works flawlessly. Seems like oil gets caught somewhere and makes the action sticky. I am used to it, so I just clear the first round and keep on shooting.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 5:00 pm
by sveinrj
I think that the slide doesn't come fare enough back to pick up the second shot.

The two first monthes I had no problems, but the last few weeks there has been up to 4 times in a competition (60 shots)

I have tried with different types of oil - thick, thin, more, less
also tried grease.

Same problem with both magasines

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 5:37 pm
by Gwhite
OK, so something has changed from when it was new. Could be dirt someplace you haven't found, lubrication missing someplace, or wear (unlikely). SP's are notorious for occasionally needing new recoil springs, but I wouldn't expect the failure you are describing from that.

Oddly enough, mine failed to pick up the 3rd round in a match over the weekend. It's overdue for a cleaning, and I expect that will fix it.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 5:41 pm
by dazza
The slide could be sticking when the gun is fired.

Remove the recoil spring and the guide rod and clean them thoroughly, and the hole in the slide where they are located. I experienced a problem once when opening the slide and it would not come all the way back; it felt gritty just like it had been dropped in sand (which of course it hadn't) the problem turned out to be powder residue.

The guide rod goes right through the slide and rests against the barrel so it is exposed to any powder residue when the gun is fired, if the guide rod has been lubricated with oil then a build up of residue can/will stick to these parts if they are lubricated with oil.

I now use powdered graphite to lubricate the recoil spring and guide rod, I have not experienced this problem since. I do use oil for lubricating other parts of the gun.

SP problems

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 11:28 am
by The Bear
I was just wondering if you had changed ammo? My SP is ammo sensitive and likes the Euro ammo more than the US stuff.

Load five rounds into the mag, then slide you index finger over the top round. If it comes out easy and the next round fails to move up, your magazine should be cleaned or you need to change ammo.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 11:43 am
by Chris
US made ammo can be a problem for feeding if it is too long. This really would apply to any ammo. I have found if the ammo is shorter than ~0.880" you will be ok. Anything longer and the second or later round could become jammed in the mag and it will not feed. I make sure all of the rounds are loose in the mag before I shoot.