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tutorial books/dvds

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:19 am
by dontshootcritters
Hi guys

Im interested if anyone has any suggestions for tutorial books/DVDs on all and any aspects of smallbore shooting.Im fimiliar with Ways of the Rifle which is very good but any others would be interesting to look out for,thanks in advance

books for small bore

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:28 am
by Turtle28
Whilst I am sure there are plenty of others around this was recomemded to be by my old coach also have a read of his monthly articles in the UK target shooter mag, The guy knows his stuff. His is an Australian but has shot around the world for many years. Hope this helps, Just not sure where you would get a copy of this now.

Basic Fundamentals of Smallbore Rifle Shooting by Don Brook

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 5:17 pm
by GaryD
Another good book is:-

Olympic Target Rifle Shooting by Ralf Horneber.
He was National Rifle Coach for the German Shooting Federation

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:28 pm
by dontshootcritters
Great.Thanks guys.Im sure that there is only so much that can be written that is different but sometimes there maybe be small snippets of helpful info.

thanks again

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:08 pm
by xnoncents
After "The Ways of The Rifle", which is probably the best current book I know of, there is A.A. Yur Yev's Competitive Shooting (this is out of print for about 30 years, but it is out there on ebay). Also, Lanny Bassham's "With Winning In Mind" video series, while not specifically about SB shooting, is invaluable to training. Christopher Fenning's new book is OK but really more for beginners.

Also, I'm going to court heresy and say any of David Tubbs books are really useful. He doesn't write about SB specifically either, but he is a tremendously insightful shooter, who had some prior SB experience before becoming an awesome high power champion.

I really wish some of our current crop of English speaking champions would do their own book, if nothing else but to clarify some of the tortuously translated German, and cryptic allusions of the "Ways" book.

Anything else good out there?

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 3:14 pm
by dontshootcritters
I think that it would be a big seller if a crop of the current top shooters collaberated together to get a moden book out on Rifle shooting.Ways of the rifle may be a great read not denying that but ideas,training methods,technology and equipment have made big steps foward since that book was penned.To have a book written by the top shooters of today would surely be a publishers dream and be a top seller

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:56 pm
by beats
I came into smallbore prone shooting a couple of years back and since then have been trying to read as much as posible on the subject in a effort to try and get ahead.

I would love to find a copy of Don Brooks' book. I didn't know he wrote one, although I have been avidly following his series in Target Shooter magazine and found it very helpful! I had been looking on the net for other things that he published in the past and came across a few magazine articles and snipets posted on an Australian website, but have never came across a reference to his book. It must be like gold dust now! For instance, while I have never shot with a sling (its not allowed in our league) I would not hesitate in setting up a position using one if given the instructions Don Brook sets out in this Magazine. (Indeed I have printed out most of his articles and safely locked them away in a folder for future reference in case the magazine ever disappears!)

Chris Fordham's, Prone to Win book I couldn't get a copy of, but the cd was nearly as good to me. While I had to print it out and bind it myself (as I prefered having a copy to flick through), I found this goes into great detail. The cd is still available at ... 5b379a8c35

I bought a copy of, Small-bore Target Shooting by W H fuller and A J Palmer, off Amazon in the summer and also found it to be an interesting read. As you may expect a lot of things will overlap but there is always something new as well. For instance one of the diagrams in this book led me to diagnosing that one of the bedding bolts of my rifle needed tightening. Since I looked at this my rifle has been shooting excellently. Without reading this book though, I would have thought that bedding bolts were only to be looked at when you were scraping for every Olympic qualifying point available etc.

My girlfriend bought me the latest edition of, Ways of the Rifle, in the Autumn. While the book is good and I can see why some people refer to it as their shooting bible, I personally think i benefitted from having read the other books first before delving into this one. There are many different ways of explaining something as complicated as a shooting position, and perhaps a translation from another language may not be the best. However, I have only read the book once and know that there will be so much more to gleam out of it every time i read it. This is a book to go back to time and again.

I came across a few articles on Zen and shooting and this has lead me into thinking about the mental side of shooting. My last three books recently read have been, Zen in the Art of Archery, The Inner Game of Tennis, and With Winning In Mind. While i did gain bits and pieces from the first two; With Winning In Mind is the real gem as far as I'm concerned! I only finished it 2 days ago, but even before I had, I had set myself new goals and set myself out new mental processes that I can already feel having a positive benefit to my thinking on the sport!