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Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 9:50 pm
by llROMULOXll
I'm 21 years old.I have shot with my dad my whole life.i would like to know how do i get in to competitive practical shooting.I have a 1999 swith&wesson model 41 with no modifications its a 5.5 bull barrel and about 2lb trigger pull.I also have a 2010 10-22 made by has a 16.5in barrel with a lever clip release, and a 2 stage trigger first is 1lb the second is 1.5lb the barrel and receiver are threaded together and the sight rail and receiver are one solid piece. Just wanted yall to no what i have to work with. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to start in practical speed. I'd like to get in to silhouette speed and slow fire timed to rapid.Also does any one know any leagues i live near Pittsburgh please help thank you

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 12:22 pm
by tuj
There are many experienced competitors on this board, but I'll chime in just because I was in the same position as you just a few months ago.

1. Your model 41 gun is good; it should shoot better than you without any modifications. You might want to look at mounting a red dot, but learning with irons is just as good if not better for starting out.

2. Get yourself some official b2 and b3 targets (these are for 50' competition, or get the equivalent target if you will be shooting farther, there are others for 20 and 25 yards). This will let you know how you score.

3. Join a gun club with a bullseye league. They will be very helpful.

4. Read everything on this site:

5. Make sure you understand the differences between 'practical pistol' and bullseye. BE is one-handed shooting, 'practical pistol' competitions use two hands and emphasize more tactical shooting. BE distances are usually farther and you need only complete the timed and rapid fire portions within the given time-frames; there are no extra points for speed!