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Newbie 10m air pistol first gun

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:27 pm
by rodbuilderjim
Hey guys absolutely love the site. Information a plenty!
I am a former junior 3-p smallbore competitor from, well let's just say a few years ago. Have been feeling the itch to get back in the swing.
Financially I am going to start with air pistol. I have a covered porch that will be perfect.

The question for you guys is a first gun. I want to go cheap $100 - $200 range. I will not spend a bunch of money on something until I am sure that I want to invest the time first. I also was taught there is no need to upgrade until what you are shooting is honestly holding you back. I shot a Winchester model 52 bull barrell. I wanted an Anschutz so bad I could taste it but my dad told me that when I could look him in the eye and tell him it was the gun he would buy me one. I never could out shoot the gun.

I have no problem with used and kind of prefer it. Recycling! Just want to find the most bang for buck.

Am open to type but am leaning toward springer.

Please give me opinions. Give me info to make a good decision for my situtation.

Thanks guys

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:53 am
by tuj
target shooting and cheap don't go well together. You might want to consider a used IZH-46m.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:04 am
by Brian M
Baikal IZH46m, more than your proposed budget, but it's the cheapest gun that you will pretty much never out-shoot. And really, for ~$350 used, they aren't That expensive. If you'd come out a decade ago, they were available for $200 (mine was $205+ shipping, bought through a club). So you can see that they not only hold their value, they have gone UP in value (over a decade).

As for being a returning Jr shooter, you'll have a relatively easy time getting into scores where a cheaper gun will be the limiting factor. I was the same (well, 4p Jr shooter ~ makes my gap even bigger), and all the training you did while a Jr shooter on trigger control, sights and Especially the mental aspect, are easily transferred. You get to learn grip (not hard), stance (whatever feels the most comfortable, WAY more lax and individual than in rifle), and post sights vs. peep. Still, my scores were in the 540's in competition within a year of getting serious about AP shooting with the IZH46m.


Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:52 pm
by Rover
The guys above are giving you the right answer. You can often find an FWB65 very cheaply. In their day, they were the ONLY competitive gun and are still excellent.

Spend the money.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:15 pm
by Alexander
Buy a used FWB 65.


Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:36 pm
by GaryN
Add to the list a Daisy 747.
Not as nice and refined as a FWB-65, but decent. And it comes in $ under the IZH46.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:12 pm
by rodbuilderjim
Thanks guys and keep info coming. I am leaning towards a springer for now. Probably a 747 of cost for now but am going to start a fund for an IZH 4M or a FWB 65. Anyone that has a used 747 that they want to sell cheap let me know. I do not care about appearence externally, jst good working order. It will be awhile before I am any good anyway.