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Visor with side blinders...Are they legal in Int. AP Competi

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 10:35 pm
by Stephen51861
I practice a lot out doors. It is very bright sometimes and the sun is often at tough angles. I use the Champion eye glass wear and with them my hat does not fit well. I have seen, at Champions Choice, a visor that might help but I do not want it f it is ilegal. Here is the link to the visor. And no, I do not yet have a rulebook but that is on the list to obtain. Constructive assistance would be appriciated. ... -2387.aspx

Thank you,

Re: Visor with side blinders...Are they legal in Int. AP Com

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:02 am
by Spencer
Stephen51861 wrote:I practice a lot out doors. It is very bright sometimes and the sun is often at tough angles. I use the Champion eye glass wear and with them my hat does not fit well. I have seen, at Champions Choice, a visor that might help but I do not want it f it is ilegal. Here is the link to the visor. And no, I do not yet have a rulebook but that is on the list to obtain. Constructive assistance would be appriciated. ... -2387.aspx

Thank you,
Stephen Side Blinders (either or both sides) attached to the hat, cap, shooting glasses, or to a head band, not exceeding 40 mm deep are permitted (A). These blinders must not extend further forward than to a line from the center of the forehead.

these would be out on both depth and forward of the forehead

rules download available from ...

practice outdoors with the visor if you like, but ISSF 10m is an indoor event and sunlight is not a problem

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 6:10 am
by Stephen51861
Thank you for the reply. It was most hlepful. I see now why the rule book is downloadable. Too darn big to print. :-) Thanks again, Stephen

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:36 pm
by Guest
Glare from overhead lamps can be an issue indoors.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 10:14 pm
by Spencer
Anonymous wrote:Glare from overhead lamps can be an issue indoors.
wear a cap; I usually do