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Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 8:16 pm
by david wong
I want to thank and acknowldege the time and effort of the regular contributors to this forum. Without your insight and experience we would be spending hours on hours of trial and error of elimination experimentation. Thank you for being here.
Dave Wong


Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:16 pm
by 2650 Plus
In my own shooting , I found it so easy to develope a bad habit and very dificult to train out of the error. Even worse the error kept working its way back into my technique. If you dont have a coach, at least find a good book and educate your self on proper techniques and if possible do this before you ever go to a range. I recommend the marksmanship manuals published by the USAMU at Fort Benning, Ga as a possible information source. Not even target talk is better because it is essentially unconnected and incomplete. Good Shooting Bill Horton