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Unique DES 69

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:45 pm
by JLK
I have owned a Unique DES 69 since the mid 1970's. It's one of the
earlier ones before there was a trigger positioning adjustment.
I have always thought the empty case was ejected when it hit the leading
edge of the magazine lips...there's no fixed ejector attached to the gun
itself. But today I was looking at it and now am thinking that the empty
is ejected as it passes over the fresh round in the magazine.
Is there anyone here experienced working on ejection problems on one of these?
Any ideas?

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 4:10 am
by Shooting Kiwi
My DES69 has an adjustable trigger blade, but the early trigger guard pattern. I think, however, it's otherwise similar to yours.

The magazine lips certainly do cause ejection. Interestingly, however, when investigating this, manual cycling causes the rim of a spent case to scrape along the about-to-feed bullet, causing a definite scar. Having removed auto-fed rounds from the chamber without this scarring, perhaps it doesn't happen at the speeds occurring during auto-cycling.

This scraping also happens in my FAS 607: it seems that some designers do nothing to avoid it.

Anyone got any comments?

Comment on scraping

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:18 am
by mstuhr
Hi Kiwi,
I have nothing to add about the DES69.
As far as the scraping of the top round in the mag, my Pardini does it to the extent that causes flakes of waxy lube from certain brands of ammo to foul the chamber and keep the gun from firing.
No problem with softer lubed bullets like RWS, Wolf or S&K.
Mostly Aquila (shoots great/works poor) and some lower price Ely.