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2016 Rio

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:28 pm
by JB

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:20 pm
by Steve Swartz as Guest
. . . at least it didn't go to Chicago . . . what a freakin mess that would have been . . .

Congratulations Brazil!

Lotta work to do . . .

Does anyone know what the firearm/shooting sports laws and issues will be?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:01 pm
by MDK
See you here!

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 11:37 pm
by j-team
MDK wrote:See you here!

Will there be a new range? Or, just use the existing one?

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 1:27 am
by Spencer
j-team wrote:
MDK wrote:See you here!

Will there be a new range? Or, just use the existing one?
Have you seen the existing range - the range facilities will cope with an Olympics without any trouble (bigger than Sydney (in all the right places))


Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 2:27 am
by j-team
Spencer wrote:
j-team wrote:
MDK wrote:See you here!

Will there be a new range? Or, just use the existing one?
Have you seen the existing range - the range facilities will cope with an Olympics without any trouble (bigger than Sydney (in all the right places))

Well, if I knew that, I wouldn't have asked would I.

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 9:17 am
by PaulB

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 11:30 am
by Freepistol
Steve Swartz as Guest wrote:. . . at least it didn't go to Chicago . . . what a freakin mess that would have been . . .
I think Baracko and Oprah are in shock!
Congratulations Brazil!

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 12:24 pm
by Isabel1130
It certainly looks like Brazil has the state of the art facilities for it. I wonder what Chicago's proposal was? Maybe to use Camp Perry? Isabel

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 7:14 pm
by Steve Swartz as Guest
Well, it would have had to have been conducted outside the state of Illinois unless we could get every athlete an FOID. At that point they could compete in Illinois (but outside the city of Chicago & the tri-county region).


Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 6:29 am
by jipe
Steve Swartz as Guest wrote:Well, it would have had to have been conducted outside the state of Illinois unless we could get every athlete an FOID. At that point they could compete in Illinois (but outside the city of Chicago & the tri-county region).

The situation couldn' be worse for pistol shooters than in the UK were all fierarms pistols are banned. Sitll don't know exactly how this will be solved at the next OG in London ?

Anyway, the choice of the place of the OG is only a matter of money and politics.

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:57 am
by David Levene
jipe wrote:The situation couldn' be worse for pistol shooters than in the UK were all fierarms pistols are banned. Sitll don't know exactly how this will be solved at the next OG in London ?
Probably the same way it was solved for the Commonwealth Games in 2002.

The guns will be stored in a secure armoury and transported to the range where they will be handed to the athletes. This is not really much different to any major championships and the competitors probably won't notice any difference.

The spectator areas will be kept separate so that the general public will have no access to the guns.

The Brazilian range by a...Brazilian

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:01 pm
by jacques b gros
The range was turnned over to the shooting NGB days before the Pan American games. Seems it is very similar to the range in Sidney, Australia.

Plenty of problems, since they forgot to talk to someone who shot something other then dice. Just a sample: in the 50m range, at the firing line floor, every post had a slightly raised metal cover for the wiring of the monitors. The line was moved, along with the targets, some 50 cm back.

Most of the problems are no more, and the place is nice to shoot, but bad for public. Poor sound insulation (rapid fire is a pain), very small bar, windowless shooters lounge and the biggest problem, like every other recent venue: far from everything. During matches, a shuttle service is provided.

As to gun storage, plenty of space in a secure room, and the place is built in federal land, just across an army instalation. So, plenty of security. The army does it, but is not an army unit, no hassle to get in or out.

Some improvements will be made, like some shades for the outside part, where you could rest (watch out: even the spring sun burns) and some technical stuff.

I was there in August, for the South American matches, as a RO (pistol shooting no more. Both shoulders bad. Moving to rifles.). Never walked so much. The place is close to 200m long, and to get to the armory from the end of the 50m range is some 100m. In the 4 days of the match it was get up at 5, breakfast and the bus, back at near 7pm, early dinner and bunk.

But is a nice place, will get better for the games. And for the Brazilian championship next month I'll smuggle a small bike to move 'round.

Plan the trip smartly. Plenty to see in Brazil besides Rio, best seen from the incoming plane. The beaches in the NE, some national parks also in the NE but inland, at least some of the Amazon, a place called Pantanal, or "Swamp". This, with the Amazon, are the "must see". Plenty of nice beaches all over the world, but Pantanal and Amazon only 'round here.