Green O-ring in the loading port of Steyr LP10

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Green O-ring in the loading port of Steyr LP10

Post by nc513 »

Another (minor) problem with my LP10:

The loading port's green O-ring doesn't seem to want to stay in place. On one occasion, it even came completely loose.

(This is the O-ring I'm referring to: )

Is this a common problem? What should I do about it?

This green O-ring appears to be slightly larger than the O-rings used on the filling adapter and nipple. Same colour, but slightly larger. I guess that's how it's supposed to be, though...?
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Post by nc513 »

Well, according to someone who most probably knows what he's talking about, two possible reasons could be:

1. Wrong size O-ring or worn O-ring,

2. Barrel in wrong position (moves forward/backward).

However, the pistol is supposedly brand new, so it is unlikely that reason 1 is the cause of the problem.

What about reason 2, then? Well, I'm afraid I don't quite understand what it actually means...

Any ideas?

Oh, I see ... Screws no. 14 (in the schematic in the handbook) can be used for moving the barrel forwards or backwards, since the distance between these screws is not the same as the distance between the pits in the barrel.

Ok, so what if these screws have been adjusted improperly (already at the factory!?!)? Then the barrel is not fixed in the best possible position. Could that really be the cause of my O-ring-problems, though?

Unless both screws are in contact with the barrel, I suppose that the barrel may move a little bit backwards and forwards as you are handling the gun or shooting. Could this be the cause of my O-ring-problems?

(I haven't yet examined the barrel or screws no. 14).
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Post by pilkguns »

it is not caused by the barrel installation depth. I don't knwow what would cause this, never heard of this problem before. Maybe the barrel was cut slightly undersize where the o-ring fits on.
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Post by pilkguns »

actaully the outside diameter of the 0-ring mayb be too big, and its dragging/sticking with bolt as it comes back.. or conversely the seat on the bolt maybe slight undersize and doing the same thing.

hard to know without seeing it.
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Post by pbrejsa »

I have solved the same problem at my new LP10, aproximately after 12000 shots. I used the new original ring. It was sended from Steyer. After this exchange is everything ok.
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Post by nc513 »

pbrejsa wrote:I have solved the same problem at my new LP10, aproximately after 12000 shots. I used the new original ring. It was sended from Steyer. After this exchange is everything ok.
That's interesting! How much did you have to pay?

By the way, my Steyr LP10 was imported from the Czech Republic!
Steyr LP10-owner

Troublesome green O-ring at bottom of LP10-"receiver&qu

Post by Steyr LP10-owner »

pbrejsa wrote:I have solved the same problem at my new LP10, aproximately after 12000 shots. I used the new original ring. It was sended from Steyer. After this exchange is everything ok.
My relatively new LP10 has a pecularity: air blow-by can be felt at shot diescharge. This "pulse" of air is significant, readily sensable at the inside of the indexfinger. To me this air pulse seems to vary some from shot to shot.
I notised this pecularity from the very beginning.
I have shot about 2000 shot with the LP10 at this time.

Is this air blow-by intensional? Is it simply air drained from the "absorber"?
Or is this caused by a nonperfect O-ring, as noted by other posters?
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Post by pbrejsa »

to nc513

I have bought this ring from Mr Miroslav Varga. He's the steyer dealer in czech republic. The price was cca 85 czech crowns. Mr. Varga send me this ring approximately six weeks after my e-mail order.
Last edited by pbrejsa on Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post by miamicdc »

Why can't you buy the proper SIZE O-ring from Ace Hardware? If the size is correct, black rubber O-ring should work well.

Unless if you just want the green color.

If you know the right size, you can also find parts in
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Post by nc513 »

Well, we've been incredibly lazy and have just been ignoring the problem all along, while firing 2000+ shots with this pistol.

The pistol is accurate, but the o-ring problem is of course an annoyance which should be gotten rid of. It also seems that a 200 bar fill is not giving us the amount of shots it should.

If anyone wants to see how the problem actually occurs, we now have a couple of pictures and an XviD-video available here:

Would you say that replacing the o-ring should help, or could there be some other issues here as well?
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Post by Gwhite »

That's pretty weird, and definitely not normal. Have you sent this info to Steyr?

There are several possibilities I can think of:

1) Undersized O-ring (odd, but easy to fix)

2) Groove in frame is too shallow or too large (bad news)

3) Underside of bolt is rough, dragging the ring out (bad news)

4) O-ring is too slippery on inner & outer edges (clean O-ring)

5) O-ring isn't slippery enough on top (lube O-ring)

2) & 3) really need to be addressed at the factory, but I'd start with 1). If the O-ring requires delicate lubrication protocols (4) & 5)), something is still not right, but it might help.

Do you store the pistol with the bolt closed? Over time, that should compress the O-ring, and I would thing the problem would improve.
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Post by nc513 »

No, I have not (yet) contacted Steyr. We've only talked to the company which imported the LP10 to the Czech Republic and exported it to Finland. They actually did suggest we'd ship it to the factory for a check-up.

It would, however, be tempting to settle for some cheaper, easier and quicker solution, especially with the Finnish national championships right around the corner.

Maybe we should start by replacing the o-ring. If there still is reason to suspect some more serious problems, I guess we have no choice but to ship the pistol to Austria.

Yes, we do store the pistol with the bolt closed.
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Post by RobStubbs »

I'd replace the O-ring first and see if that solves it.

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Post by pbrejsa »

:nc 513

I have solved the problem for a second time. In this case it was started with a original new ring after next 8000 to 9000 shots. I decided to solve this problem "definitely". One drop a super glue to the bottom of the ring groove. Now it's ok more than 10 thousands shots.
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Post by nc513 »

pbrejsa wrote:I have solved the problem for a second time. In this case it was started with a original new ring after next 8000 to 9000 shots. I decided to solve this problem "definitely". One drop a super glue to the bottom of the ring groove. Now it's ok more than 10 thousands shots.
That's quite .. radical. ;)
By the way, does your serial number happen to be somewhere near 740500?
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Post by pbrejsa »

Yes, radical but effective (by my opinion). The serial product number is 738922, the LP10 was bought 18 months ago. Now has 30 000 shots approximately.
Last edited by pbrejsa on Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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John Marchant
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Post by John Marchant »

I have noticed that the transfer "O" ring on my LP10E appears to lift slightly out of the groove, presumably as the bolt draws back. I have noticed that the "O" ring has become slightly mis-shaped a result and have now got into the habit of pressing the "O" ring down into the groove after loading each pellet. Will have to try a new "O" ring and see if that cures it.
Last edited by John Marchant on Wed Mar 10, 2010 3:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by madmull »

John Marchant wrote:I have noticed that the transfer "O" ring on my LP10E appears to lift slightly out of the groove, presumably as the bolt draws back. I have noticed that the "O" has become slightly mis-shaped a result and have now got into the habit of pressing the "O" ring down into the groove after loading each pellet. Will have to try a new "O" ring and see if that cures it.
With my gun happens the exact samething.
The ring is not realy fixed. It can't be because the bolt is being pressd down to the o-ring.
The fact that the o-ring is coming loose is because it sticks slightly to the bolt because of the pressure.
The ring is new and he will become thinner in a period of time.
cleaning the ring can help.
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