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Sight height

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 1:01 pm
by Bullseye2620
Do you prefer a high site or lower? I have seen some like their head down low to the bore and others almost straight up and down. What do you like and why?



Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 8:05 pm
by Jordan F.
It narrows down to personal preference and what suits you best. For me and my build (taller and more slender) I use high riser blocks (approx. 42mm on my air, 41mm for standing and kneeling on smallbore and about 21mm for prone).

I do think it is important that you head is level when you shoot though so whatever it takes in my opinion to do that, than do it! Keep in mind that in air rifle you have certain restrictions that you must go by. As in sights cant go about 60mm past centre of bore and bottom of butplate can't be more than 220mm past centerline of barrel. For me I am maxed out on all my settings (with in the rules) and it fits me well. It is something you will have to play with though to get a set up that works for you.