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Question for Lady Shooters

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 9:10 am
by Hon
I ask this for my girl friend.

She is an air rifle shooter like me. We are wondering if there is any ISSF rules regarding the kind of bras that can be worn. Thickness? AMount of support? etc.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 10:32 am
by peepsight

Check the rule book, but i have a lady shooter friend who wears a sports bra. She said it was to keep everything in place and more firmly controlled.
Having said that, there may be some recommendations especially for female clay shooters which is for health and safety. There are no health and safety issues with air rifle.
There is no way ISSF equipment control can ask to see a woman's bra.


Bra Size

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 11:22 am
by Quest1
peepsight wrote:Hi HON

Check the rule book, but i have a lady shooter friend who wears a sports bra. She said it was to keep everything in place and more firmly controlled.
Having said that, there may be some recommendations especially for female clay shooters which is for health and safety. There are no health and safety issues with air rifle.
There is no way ISSF equipment control can ask to see a woman's bra.

While there are no rule about the bra size the thickness of the bra can make a difference whether your coat will pass inspection. For example, at the last JOs a few of the female coats didn't pass inspection because there button holes couldn't be moved over the specified distance. A few were able to switch to a thinner bra and I think a few had to go without to pass the inspection.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 12:12 pm
by peepsight
I think this subject is best left to the women shooters to discuss.


Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:12 pm
by Freepistol
I hope someone doesn't discover that a bra increases stability. I've seen male marathon runners wearing the sports bras and would really hate to see that in shooting.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:07 pm
by jhmartin
A comment in regards to rule which is mentioned above:
Closure of the jacket must be only by non-adjustable means e.g. buttons or zippers. The jacket must not overlap more than 100 mm at the closure (see Jacket Table). The jacket must hang loosely on the wearer. To determine this, the jacket must be capable of being overlapped beyond the normal closure by at least 70 mm, measured from the center of the button to the outside edge of the button hole. The measurement will be taken with the arms at the sides. Reinforcing of the button hole in its immediate area is permitted.
You can purchase a lexan gauge or make one yourself out of a .25" thick lexan ruler

Also, ladies, take note of
However the rifle must not be supported by the jacket or chest beyond the area of the right shoulder and right chest.
Some of the more "well endowed" may have to take a saw to their grip. If you have an RO coming up to you (I prefer during prep period) and checking you out .... it ain't that we're pervs, we're checking for daylight between the grip and jacket, and sometimes it's VERY close. I believe it was at the women's trials last year one gal got pulled off the line.

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 1:27 pm
by TWP
jhmartin wrote: Also, ladies, take note of
However the rifle must not be supported by the jacket or chest beyond the area of the right shoulder and right chest.
Some of the more "well endowed" may have to take a saw to their grip. If you have an RO coming up to you (I prefer during prep period) and checking you out .... it ain't that we're pervs, we're checking for daylight between the grip and jacket, and sometimes it's VERY close. I believe it was at the women's trials last year one gal got pulled off the line.
I've taken a saber saw to my own daughters grip and have advised several other shooters to do so as well.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:31 pm
by Moushka
Hello Hon,

the rule says that the shooter can wear "normal" underwear. The thickness is up to 2.5 mm all together.

Therefore women are free to use all kind of bras even corsets, if they are not to thick.

But very tight underclothing, especially made of extra strong stretch might not help. It could cause problems.