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Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 3:29 pm
by SP555
Hi all
I'm from South Africa and I'm shooting in the BJI for the first time. I've done target shooting for about 5 years now but its only been this year that I've realy started to shoot good (or above average if you could say that), I'm realy nervous because I've only just made the team and I have no idea what the level of competition is over there. I was wondering if any of you have experiance in the BJI or any international competition and if so if you could give me some advice or tips or maby give me a heads up on what the competition is like, anything realy.

I know this is probably stupid of me to ask but it would realy put my mind at ease. Oh and I shoot sporter by the way. Thanx in advance

PS. Forgive my spelling, I have english second language :-)

Some advice

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 1:06 pm
by Boerseun

I don't know if I'm alowed to reply in Afrikaans on this forum, so I'm going to type in English : )

I've been there a whoile ago and it was one of the highlites of my live so far! It was VERY leke!

Anyway to come to the point, personaly I think the competion is bigger in SA, so you are basically competing in England against your fellow shooters. You can look forward too shoot on Electronic targets!!! Thats the best! What were very weird was the fact that the target boxes were fastened to the wal, which met that where you would normaly lower the target box for kneeling and prone, they would elavate the floor where you are shooting by using something similar to tables. It was kind of difficult because if someone move, everbody feels it. So it takes getting use too.

The last and best advice I can give you is to put something between you and the screen that display your shot. In the begging you are so excited about the "New" tecknologies that everytime you release the shot, you want look as fast as posible were the shot went off. In the end you completely forget to follow through!!! I positioned my rifle stand in such a way so that I can't see the screen.

That is all advice I can give you. Enjoy the tour!!!



Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:34 pm
by SP555
Thanx alot 4 the advice Boerseun, I have 2 say when nobody replied I started to feel like an idiot for posting that :-). I shoot relatively ok but I have a bad case of the nerves especially when I get exited about a match, the 'trick' about the screen is cool and I think it will really help me, its something I probably would never have thought of.

What makes me more nervous about the tour is that i'm the baby of the team( although I'm 18) because everybody in my team have gone before and they have ample amounts more experience than me. But its ok, I mean you have to start somewhere right :-)

Thanx again for your reply and the advice



Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:35 pm
by Matt
SP555 wrote:Hi all
I'm from South Africa and I'm shooting in the BJI for the first time. I've done target shooting for about 5 years now but its only been this year that I've realy started to shoot good (or above average if you could say that), I'm realy nervous because I've only just made the team and I have no idea what the level of competition is over there. I was wondering if any of you have experiance in the BJI or any international competition and if so if you could give me some advice or tips or maby give me a heads up on what the competition is like, anything realy.

I know this is probably stupid of me to ask but it would realy put my mind at ease. Oh and I shoot sporter by the way. Thanx in advance

PS. Forgive my spelling, I have english second language :-)
The best advice is....... relax! You have already overcome the 'fear of failure' in that you have shot well enough to participate on the team. You now have the credentials to shoot with the best! You have elevated yourself to compete at a higher level of competition. Enjoy your surroundings when you get there and relax! Get settled in and never ever doubt yourself from here to forth! It doesn't matter where a competition is being held or for that matter what level of competition is expected - you will perform at your peak if you train your body and mind properly.

Good luck!


Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:09 pm
by bruce
I agree with Matt, relax and have fun. Nervousness effects everyone at times, but with experience you will learn how to deal with the feelings.
Focus on the shooting process, breathing, sight picture etc, rather than the score.
The national smallbore rifle meeting starts on the 9th, with something like 900 shooters turning up to compete, so there will be lots to see if you're staying until then.

BJI 2008

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:30 am
by Dont know
There's really no need to worry. Im also from S.A and going to compete for the second time at the BJI for airrifle. Just be well prepared and handle the match as any other match you shot before. Whats your real name by the way? We probably know each other ;-)

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 11:09 pm
by SP555
Its Stephan Grobler...

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:36 am
by SP555
And might I ask who you are?

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 4:39 am
by Dont know
Im Alwyn McAlpine, shooting for SAARA. Are you shooting for Sanssu?