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Jr. Olympic Awards

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 8:10 pm
by Smith2013
Hey, I recently was invited to the Jr. Olympics in a few weeks, and not to sound greedy, but I heard a roumor that there was cash given to the medalists. Is this true?

What about the full on olympics? Wil the Bejing atheletes get a wad of dough?

Might explain why all the hype about steroids in the other sports, people get too greedy.

Thanks for the info!

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:24 pm
by PaulB
The last time I read about them the cash awards for Olympic medals from the USOC were: gold- $25K, silver- $15K and bronze- $10k, but these have probably been increased. Shooters have also gotten cash rewards from gun and ammo makers for medalists using their stuff.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:23 pm
by B.T.Carstensen
No cash prizes will be given out at the Jr. Olympics, and the frist reason the comes to mind is beacuse under NCAA rules Jr's can not get paid to compete the only reason you might be able to accept money is if it does not exceed the cost of attending the match.

What PaulB was talking was the USAS/USOC Athlete Support Grants Program

One of the thing's he mentioned was the USOC OPERTION GOLD GRANTS, and he was right about the numbers.

Olympic GOLD-$25,000
Olympic SILVER-$15,000
Olympic BRONZE-$10,000

The other thing he mentioned was the USA SHOOTING MEDEL INCENTIVE PROGRAM. What happens here is when a shooter from the USA wins one or more medals in the Olympics if HE or SHE is using either ELEY or WINCHESTER SHOT SHELLS then they will be given an "Incentive" that corresponds with the medal they won.
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 or more
BRONZE-$9,000- $12,000-$15,000-$18,000-$21,000-$24,000

There are a few more ways a shooter may earn a grant but those are the big ticket items.


Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:22 pm
by PaulB
"Current" NCAA rules allows for the accepting of cash awards (before attending college and during "out of season" periods) upto the actual expense to compete in the match (travel, housing, entry fees, ammo, etc.). One cannot ammortize the cost of their equipment.

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:28 pm
by PaulB
Info on the incentives and grants can be found at: ... _grant.pdf