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Excel spread for 20/20 and 60/60 scores??

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 11:21 am
by GS3
I am knew to the whole "10M AP" shooting but find that I am shooting 2-4 matches a week. I was wondering if any excel gurus put together a excel spread that when you enter in the score (ex. 169/200), it automatically figures out the percentage of that match AND the cumulative percentage of all the matches you shot thus far.
I stumbled across something like what I am talking about but it figures average, standard deviation, ft lbs etc across a chrony string.


Was just wondering if something like this or similar exists for the above stated specifications.

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 11:39 am
by Freepistol
Hi GS3,
I developed this for free pistol that you may be able to adapt if no one else comes up with what you need.
You'll have to delete my averages because I didn't have time to mess with it this morning.

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 3:10 pm
by GS3
Thanks, I can not get that excel spread to calculate 2, 10 shot strings since it seems to be based on 6, 10 shot strings.
This will work well for the few 60/60 matches but will not work for the majority of my shoots (20/20). I tried deleting the other 4 rows but its still calculates the 1st 2 as 1/3 of the whole. Is there an easy fix?
Again, I thank you for your spread and I will use it for 60/60. Half my issue has been answered thanks to your spread. Thank you :-)
Greatly appreciated.
Very respectfully
Greg S

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 4:10 pm
by jimsoars
Here is a simplified version of that sheet that allows you to enter less than 6 strings. See if this works for you.


Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:15 pm
by GS3
Thanks yet again!!!
That is perfect and I am now covered for both 20/20 and 60/60.
Greatly appreciated :-)