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Scores Plummeted

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:40 pm
by dhiru
Hey guys,

Ok this may seem too cliche, but I still dont have the solution. I've been shooting Air Rifle for the past 3 years now, 6 months back I had an average score of about 588, but all of a sudden my scores dropped. I thought it was just a phase and I'll recover, but its been 6 months now and my scores are dropping by the days. As of now I'm shooting scores of 550 or less. The worst part is not a single target groups well!

Any Solutions?

Thanks and Regards,

Dhirender Singh Jamwal

Scores plumeting

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:59 pm
by 2650 Plus
Just one question. Have you bench tested your rifle and pellet combination? Hope you get back on track. Good Shooting Bill Horton

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 3:14 am
by dhiru
Hey Bill,

Thanks for your reply. Well even I thought that could be the problem. I've changed my rifle a month back. But my old rifle I did bence it and there was a slight problem with it but with that problem I was capapble of shooting scores of 585 upwards.

The new rifle I've not benched it, as I dint find the need to. Also I've been doing a lot of shooting on SCATT, so I dont see any problem with the rifle.

Thanks and Regards,

Dhirender Singh Jamwal

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 12:15 pm
by cdf
How about a visit to your eye doctor , how old is your prescription ...


Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 8:49 am
by dhiru
Hey Chris,

Well I'll see a doc soon, checked my doc 3 months back, dint have any problem then, will go as soon as possible.

But I really dont find any difficulty as such during focussing!!! And ya, there may be an issue with my new jacket. I think I've out grown it, I shifted to my old jacket which is slightly loose on the shoulders and though my scores are not upto the mark but the aim seems to have been better(shot with SCATT).

Will shoot with my old jacket and check my eyes and see if there is some improvement!!!

Any other help is most welcome.



Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 3:29 am
by RobStubbs
You really need to find a coach. There are lots of potential reasons why your scores have dropped but we'd just be guessing trying to fix things.

You can however go back over your diaries etc and see what's changed - list all the variables you've changed and see if you can trace any consistent trends or patterns.


Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 7:34 am
by peepsight
Rob Stubbs is right, some thing has changed. Now there may be several things that have changed, individually they may be small and insignificant, but collectively they may add up to a problem. You might be oblivious to it but a good coach should spot the problem/s and put you back on course.
Self analysis should be a large part of your training, so go through everything from feet up right to the mental shot release, You just might find what you changed.


Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:06 am
by dhiru
Thanks for the suggestion guys. Well I just visited my ophthalmologist today. There is nothing wrong with my eyes, its fine, however he put some drops because of which I cant see too well, but after 2 days I'll be able to do much better.

Anyways, I'll have to find myself a coach soon. Even I've been thinking of that option for a long time. But I really cant take that step to go out of my way to find one. But thanks to you guys I will now.

Thanks again,


Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 9:14 pm
by dhiru
Hey Guys,

I've discovered my problem. I went through my last years diary and checked out what all changes did I make and discovered that I changed my trigger shoe.

I used to use a straight trigger and now I'm using the trigger that has a ball on it. All I did was get a good feel of the trigger and put a tape on my finger so my finger would always sit on the same place on the trigger, it's working and its working well.

Now I've removed the tape and I've found a good place for my finger on the trigger and my performance shows. Even though my scores are not back on top but I'm improving on the technical side, which makes me feel very confident!!!

Thanks again guys.

Dhirender Singh Jamwal