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Bryan Zins web sight

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 7:02 pm
by 2650 Plus
I finally decieded to look up Gunnary Sergeant Zins web sight and try to get a clearer picture of how he does it. I forgot about Camp Perry and missed the gunny as he had already left for there. 22 was a win for Zins with 887. Nearest competitor was 881. The information posted on his sight seems to support most of what Steve believes. The only thing that seems different is Zins starts the trigger finger moving first. At least thats what was posted on the sight. Beyond that the rest of the information did not explain exactly how the shot sequence progressed. I thought it sounded very much like Buljong saying ' I dont do no stinking thinking" I am not sure if Zins has contributed very much to his web sight and it may be that his coach or another shooting friend is making the posts. Good Shooting Bill Horton

Re: Bryan Zins web sight

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 7:28 pm
by Fred
2650 Plus wrote: I am not sure if Zins has contributed very much to his web sight and it may be that his coach or another shooting friend is making the posts.
I can't speak for who has contributed to GySgt Zins' website, but I can say that he has definitely personally contributed a great deal of insightful information to the Bullseye List. He is very clear that he starts moving the trigger - he uses a long roll trigger - well before his sights are in the aiming area. As he puts it, he "lets the trigger steer the sights". He told me in a personal email answer to a question I asked, that he uses this trigger operation with all guns except free pistol, including AP, which he has set up with a single stage trigger.

He has also traveled all over the country giving classes for groups of shooters, and in general made his knowledge freely available to anyone who is interested. What a champion!


Zins web su=ight

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:52 pm
by 2650 Plus
Sorry about that ,I Junped the gun a bit I only had first relay scores when I made the post and forgot to say that. Good Shooting Bill Horton

Brian Zinn's Website

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 10:19 pm
by Will Hart
You did not 'jump the gun', you missed the match. The scores you reported were for the preliminary match which is fired before the .22 match, not the .22 match. As for the relay, at Camp Perry, they try to put all the masters and high masters on the same relay.

Camp Perry

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 1:42 pm
by 2650 Plus
You are spot on for Camp Perry results . I didnt discover my real mistake until this morning. Have you found amy thing on center fire yet? Good Shooting Bill Horton

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 7:59 pm
by Gwhite
My wife and I took Zins's two day clinic with Brian and Andy Moody about a month ago. It was a real eye opener, and I'm still trying to digest it all. He makes a big distinction between US bullseye shooting and most international disciplines. The way he sets his grips & triggers up is very different from what most people use for international. I highly recommend his clinic to anyone who has a chance to attend.