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Barrel break-in for 22 match pistol?

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 7:18 am
by jwheeler
Can anyone tell me what the recommended barrel break-in procedure for
a 22 pistol is? There's a lot of information on breaking in centre-
fire rifle barrels, but I've seen very little written about breaking
in rimfire firearms. Is it even necessary with low velocity lead
bullets? The pistol in question is a Pardini SP, which took me a long
time to save up for, so I want to do everything properly from the



Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 7:36 am
by Spencer
1 clean chamber and barrel thoroughly - it is amazing what can be in the barrel of a new firearm: machining swarf, abrasive powder, grease, oil, wasps nests...
2 load magazine
3 start shooting
5 after 20 rounds, check for any lead build up
4 enjoy
