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A "forgiving" FP?

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 9:59 pm
by TomAmlie
I've seen some FP (esp. Toz) referred to as "forgiving". I've always wondered what is meant by that. I know one person stated that when you make a mistake it'll be an 8 rather than a 7 or 6 or worse, but what could explain this?

I understand that if a pistol has a faster "lock time" the shot will be away sooner, so that could explain some of it. Is there more to it than that? Is it just a vague feeling?

Just curious.....

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 11:36 am
by Steve Swartz
We-e-e-e-ell, you'll get a lot of "But Sarge Sez" on this one (and legitimate differences of opinion)


there is a lot of "folklore," "mythology," and just plain misconceptions (along with inadequately described and/or inadequately understood jargon) in the shooting sports.

Stuff like "Muscle Memory" and "The Gun Shoots Better Than I Do" mean different things to different people- and while they don't have any basis in reality per se there is often a "grain of truth" in some interpretations.

As to "forgiving" guns of course a piece of mechanical equipment like a FP can't magically "steer" the bullet in flight or "dampen" the errors made by the human.

The best "Grain of Truth" interpretation I have heard refers to the ergonomics/fit to your hand of some guns. Some guns have been observed (or thought to be observed) to "magnify the human error less" than other guns.

Steve Swartz

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 12:06 pm
by jackh
How about
The gun is easy too shoot
The trigger is easy to pull
The gun almost shoots itself

I have heard these many times.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 3:24 pm
by funtoz


Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 5:51 pm
by shadow
When starting our in BE I shot a S&W 52 for a few years. It taught me quite a few things about trigger control and follow through. When I started shooting my 45 1911 I called my shots like I was still shooting my 52. When I looked in the scope the shots were better than I thought. If I thought that I shot a 7 it would be an 8 etc.

This is my definition of forgiving.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 7:07 pm
by James
If i'm shooting a pardini pgp 75, would it be logical to upgrade to a TOZ?
No body uses a pgp 75, many people use the TOZ. What's the reason?

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 7:34 pm
by dhurt
I have a TOZ and a Pardini 75, I prefer the way the Pardini handles, however I like my MoriniCM84 better than both! I guess there are less parts for the Pardini than the TOZ, but the Morini is under production and I am sure Pilks can get whatever is needed. I think individual trials will show you which free pistol works well for you personaly.