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USAMU Pistol Camp

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 1:17 pm
by USMA82
Just returned from a 4-day training camp with the Advanced Marksmanship Unit at Fort Benning. This camp was publicized by USA Shooting on their website and via email. While it was somewhat short advance notice, we had a decent turnout.

What would you pay for 4 days working one-on-one with the Army coach and his top shooters, using their world-class facilities? This camp was free, and our hosts even put on a BBQ for us.

I can't say enough good things about Ray Arredondo, the coach and his staff SFC Szarinski, SFC Rose, SFC Merrill, and SSG Ennis. There will be more camps like this in the future. If you can find a way to attend, do it. You will not be disappointed.


Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:23 pm
by RobStubbs
Is the camp only open to military personnel or can civilians attend as well ? A bit too far for me to consider but it does sound like a very good scheme.


USAMU Pistol Camp

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 5:35 pm
by Dlindenbaum
I also attended and found the entire experience fantastic. Camp is open to anyone interested in International shooting events. The camp was four full days and the cost was zero dollars. Find and pay for your own lodging and food. The next events when held may follow a slightly different format. We had 14 total attendees who divided up according to interest including Air, Free, Standard and Rapid Fire events. I and several others spent all four days with Daryl Szarenski being coached on Free Pistol. Others worked with John Ennis and Thomas Rose. Coach Ray Arredondo managed the entire event and provided classroom instruction. Each day started with Q&A and ended with Q&A so any questions you've been yearning to ask were addressed as well as reinforcing points practiced earlier on the line.

We did not shoot for score. Emphasis was placed on developing techniques to execute a good shot in a repeatable manner in order to shoot smaller groups. Many exercises that the team follows were reviewed and practiced, especially strategies to improve hold. My right shoulder felt pretty beat up this morning as I learned that I have much more to develop in strength and endurance. Other exercises helped stress heightened awareness of what each person does to execute a successful shot. In that manner, each individual can develop a specific plan to follow with full confidence that each shot sequence will be successful.

The camp atmosphere was very friendly and supportive with lots of humor, yet the feedback was direct and honest. The instructors all seemed very committed to each person achieving their best. I learned a great deal and I think that's true for everyone in attendance. Anyone that did not attend missed a great opportunity. Future events will be announced with more lead time.

Dennis Lindenbaum

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 5:25 pm
by tony wood
I was also in attendance. The commander of the AMU can take pride in the professional manner in which this camp was conducted. This event comes under the heading "class act" or "well done."

I have shot international pistol for twenty-five years and I have never experienced a shooting clinic anywhere with this level of expertise. The format of this camp was right on target.

I would like to thank Coach Ray Arredondo, Daryl Szarenski, Tom Rose, John Ennis, and Rick Merrill for the hard work they put forth in conducting this camp. Thank you for the great help I received and the way I received it. I pray that the AMU International Pistol Team will host this camp again.

For those who missed out, this was a free and open shooting clinic to the public for Olympic Pistol.

The chilli was also great.

Tony Wood

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 5:02 am
by Mike S-J
Can I echo Robb's question: is it possible for non-USA citizens to attend? If I knew this was on, and that I could attend, I would have dropped everything and been on the first flight out. Seriously.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:36 am
by Guest
Rob & Mike -

Check with USA Shooting (; they can probably answer whether or not non-US citizens can participate. My expectation (for whatever it's worth) would be that you'd be welcome.

Participant requirement

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:11 pm
by Paul Ha
DO PLEASE check with the event host prior to making arrangments for participations. The original posting, on USA Shooting, had stated ---- "open to all US resident shooters"; which, to me, could have been intrepreted as shooters already on team, National/Development; or, US residents/(citizens).

I was also a participant in this particular Training Camp; and I am still in awe of the entirely-accepting and friendly atmosphere that I was immersed in. Not only were we patiently-coached by the top shooters in their respective disciplines, our never-before-asked questions were invited and answered; we were shown multiple training techniques with emphesis on self-awareness, discussed shot plans, given small souvenirs, treated to a BBQ, and given a certificate for class participation.

The one strict reminder/request, and it is a very logical one, is to NOT BUG them before a match; which we, as fellow shooters, should all appreciate and honor.

I take this opportunity to bow with much appreciation to all of them.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 9:31 pm
by Patrick T. Cannon
I also had a wonderful experience at the USAMU International Pistol Camp. The most significant tools I left the camp with were the drills Mr. Daryl Szarenski ran us through on the free pistol line. Through his coaching and drills, I was able to create a strategy for dealing with some problems that have been hindering my match performance. This led to a new personal best in free pistol at Saturday's PTO.

I, like everyone else who attended the camp, offer a sincere "thank you" to everyone involved with making this camp possible. Everyone was attentive, helpful, and professional.

The Army Marksmanship Unit is indeed "The Home of Champions."

-Patrick T. Cannon