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Plain metal target with 9 ring cut out

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 5:07 pm
by Austin
A few weeks ago, someone shared that their coach had them shoot against metal plates with the 9 ring cut out, so that they wouldn't focus on scores, yet get instant feedback (plink! vs. pfft or whatever) of whether their actions resulted in success or not.

I don't have a drill nor metal, and lurking on TargetTalk is as social as I get (right, it's not social). So I was wondering if anyone out there would make and sell me one? Maybe there are others who would want one too, you never know.

If interested, could you email me at austin_long @ (no spaces)

Thanks a lot,

metal cut out targets

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 11:35 pm
by bereznov
If there is a reasonable number of people who want this typr of target, I have the resources to make such a beast with the precision of a laser for the 9 ring, 10 ring or what ever size one would want.

contact note the AT=@ to shun the phising spammers

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 4:46 am
by Reinhamre
This will be a heavy construction.

Is it possible to hang a board behind the target and use a contact microphone from an electric guitar on the board? A circuit can make a LED flash.
If there is a cutout for the 9th ring nothing happens but if the bullet hits the board the LED will light up. The target will look the same as normal.
The board must be repaired from time to time, an insert may be enough.

Anyone here with a circuit layout for testing?


Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 8:36 am
by James
WHen the pellet hits the metal there will be a distinct ping, no fancy wiring required.

I have the resources to manufacture these but I dont want to promise anything.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:03 am
by Torn Fibre
Hi Austin

There will also be a distinctive sound when the pellet strikes the background - it's called "Knock on Wood" a mid 60s hit by Eddie Floyd.

I am so sorry but I just couldn't help myself, such wicked humour that gets the better of me.

Something a friend and I have been using is a Bell Target using a piece of scrap mild steel about 300mm x 200mm, 6mm thick with various sized holes drilled in it, 5mm, 12mm and 15mm. Behind and above each hole is welded a support or hook from which is hung a small heavy brass bell that ding-dongs when struck. The device is supported on a wooden base so it is free standing and could be mounted at pistol height.

Very satisfying and reminds me of school break time or especially dinner time when teachers had hand bells they’d clang to signify various activities. So I tend to salivate like a well trained Pavlov dog after the third lucky strike - there is no hope I know.

The bell target can be set at any range and is much harder than it looks - hence the skill, agony and fun factors make it worthwhile. At first it was set at 10M but after much agony we mutually agreed that 6 yards was more productive.

For air pistol you could use 3 or 4mm plate but make sure the bell can handle the "hits".

I’m on the look out for the humongous bell Kwasi Modo the hunchback used at Notre Dame.

Have fun
Torn Fibre

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:18 pm
by Guest
KEEP IT SIMPLE!!! A coffee can on its side with any size hole you want to drill in it works for me.... Carl

Plain metal target with 9 ring cutout

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:39 pm
by eugenegazda
I like the coffee can idea, but I think I'll use a bucket,... or a washtub.

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 12:58 am
by pgfaini
I was thinking the target was a 25yd. standard or free pistol target, a 3/8" or 1/2" steel plate with a 3-1/2" hole cut in it. I thought I'd make one, but wasn't sure how well the "ring" could be heard when struck by a .22.

I've been shooting a lot of Cowboy Action lately, and have made several steel targets that ring well when hit with .38-.45. bullets.

Don't know about 10M, I used to have a bell type BB target when I was a boy. I think it was made by Daisy. I have an aluminum plate (discarded street sign), target "backer" for my 10M pellet trap, with a hole the size of the six ring cut in it. I can easily hear when I've gone out of the black.