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New Toz

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:21 pm
by deleted1
My new TOZ arrived today and in all it's glory in Rink laminate grips & fore stock & weights. The first TOZ I had bought in 93 and some guy talked me out of it ( it had issues ). Since then I have gone through Hammerli 160 Special, Morini C84E and now to my new Russian girl friend Svetlyana. First of all those Rink grips look good in the Red & Blue colours, and for the first time I have to bring the trigger back to enable my pianist long fingers to reach the trigger, a grip I can grab and my trigger finger isn't bent obtusely. Now as I remember from the old TOZ the sight adjustments were a bit cuckoo--the elevation is a left-handed thread?----that would mean CCW is up for elevation(?) and windage was a right hand thread---so CW would be right(?) All I want is confirmation of this as it has been a few years since I fired the TOZ. Other than that I just hope I don't run out of the down adjustment or I will have to make a higher front sight. Now off to the PD to register this gun on my license.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:45 pm
by dflast
Yes, the elevation screw is left handed but remember it's threaded into the body of the sight and not the blade, so CW=UP. Windage CW=R just as you recall it.