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Most popular air rifle for Precision 3-P?

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 10:38 pm
by Jason
I'm only asking this because I'm curious, and no one in Canada shoots 3-P air (that I know of, anyway).

Of all the major air rifles, it seems to me that a FWB or Steyr has just enough range in the buttplate to allow for comfortable prone shooting. The Walther maybe, but the Anschutz looks way too low.

If anybody can point me to some pictures, please do so.

I also happen to live almost 300 km from the nearest indoor range, but happen to have a basement in our new house that looks just long enough for 10 m. . . .


Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 8:38 am
by TWP
I can only speak for my club,

The FWB P70 jr was very popular because the CMP sold them at a discount price and they are esily modified to a heavier weight as the shooter grows.

Next most popular in our club is the Anschutz split about even between the 2002 and 9003.

Third place is a tiebetween the Hammerli and Walthers.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 5:25 am
by anschutzshooter
I personally shoot an Anschütz 2002 but my high school team only had the Feinwerkbau P70 Jr. and the Walther LG 210.

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 3:06 pm
by matt_gb
this may sound wierd but in britain we dont do 3p air i think they were trying to introduce it but i would of thought that anshutz and fwb would be popular at it. i am a pistol shooter by the way so i have no idea but i shoot with the great britain rifle shooters at my club like u may of heard of chris lacey going to commonwealth in the pairs with chris hecter but i know all of the people i shoot wiv use fwb rifles but anshutz do good .22 rifle so the 3p air would probably be good. Do you guys get to shoot in school?

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 8:14 pm
by Jake Rifle 300
I shoot 3-p in my high school team and me (co- captain) and the captain shoot walthers lg300 xt's and average 290's (querter) but our coach is going to order us some new rifles. Our captain will shoot the new Styer lg110 and i will be getting an Aschuetz 8002. we will own with these new rifles. But in reply it is all a matter of choice and what you like, and also what is capable. But youi have to find a rifle that fits you just right. Arange some test shoot with compenys and see which one is right for you.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 8:16 pm
by Jake Rifle 300
0o and to the ? from Matt I personly do and also some of my teammates do aswell but our coach is very cool and our team is his pride and joy.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:58 am
by matt_gb
that is awesome wish our country was cool and let us do shooting in school im not allowed to for gcse p.e even out of school at my club(its like the big exam at school incase you didnt know) but i just gor the new nsra magazine through today and it has a section about the gb team starting 3p air which is ironic but i know my sister will take it up with her walther lg300

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 11:54 am
by TWP
matt_gb wrote: Do you guys get to shoot in school?
We have an Air Rifle and Smallbore league here in Northern VA.

A couple of the schools still have small bore ranges in them, but most do not.

Only a few allow air rifle shooting inside the school.

Most matches are shot at local ranges or one of the schools that have a range.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 12:28 am
by Guest
I shoot in southern Virginia, I also shoot a Walther LG 300 XT, aluminum stock though. By the way, Jake, were you at the Junior Olympic Precision National Championships in Bowling Green this year? I saw a couple of guys with Walthers on the same school team. I started shooting a little under a year ago and I am consistently shooting 570's (3x20)with the Walther, but as far as I could tell, the most popular for 3p was the 8002 or the 2002 anschutz (Anschutz is always the most popular, and the 9003 is mostly for standing)

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:30 am
by jhmartin
Only a few allow air rifle shooting inside the school.
I believe here in the US, if a school has a Navy, Army, or MC JROTC program there is most probably a Memorandam of Understanding that the school must agree that appropriate space is given for an air rifle range for a shooting program. The range must then be inspected by a JROTC master marksmanship instructor primarily for safety.

Alas ... the Air Force programs pretty much do not have marksmanship programs. (yet????)

The point here is that if you wish to shoot you can join the JROTC program, or maybe even chat with the head of the program and see if they will let you form a club at school and shoot on their range. Most of the JROTC instructors I deal with are very willing to help in the youth development areas. I think if they get any NRA funding, there must be some public access to the range (not 100% sure there though)

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 8:56 am
by mikeschroeder
jhmartin wrote:
Only a few allow air rifle shooting inside the school.
I believe here in the US, if a school has a Navy, Army, or MC JROTC program there is most probably a Memorandam of Understanding that the school must agree that appropriate space is given for an air rifle range for a shooting program. The range must then be inspected by a JROTC master marksmanship instructor primarily for safety.

That isn't at all TRUE here in Kansas. Several of the oldest High Schools in Wichita KS had rifle ranges integrated into the building when they were constructed, so does Wichita State University. Each and every one of them has been disabled in some way, or completely torn out. I remember seeing a newspaper article complaining that the largest ROTC groups in the state (Wichita's) couldn't compete in drill team because they're not allowed FAKE rifles or swords. NONE had air rifle last year, we had three boys who were / are in CAP and ROTC and shot with us last year.

Wichita KS

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 10:42 am
by jhmartin
Mike ... I know that AFJROTC does not shoot (yet). I did not think the CAP programs did either. Are these schools MCJROTC, ARMY or NAVY??


Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:48 am
by mikeschroeder
jhmartin wrote:Mike ... I know that AFJROTC does not shoot (yet). I did not think the CAP programs did either. Are these schools MCJROTC, ARMY or NAVY??

Hi Joel

I just checked the USD 259 websites for the high schools. None mention Marine Corps, Army, Navy, or Air Force. They DO mention that no weapons are allowed even fascimile, EXCEPT for drill teams and they must be deactivated and a letter written for each one. I know my daughter's Junior High ROTC was Marines. The also mention scholarships and how many hours of volunteer work ROTC did. That's all though.


Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 11:40 am
by seemehaha
i see that there are a lot of walthers out here. one must also take into consideration that a vast majority of the 3-p air shooting is done with jrotc or school teams, where they couldn't use .22's (safety, range space, etc.) so you have these teams with a small budget to buy rifles. the cmp (civilian marksmanship program) is promoting 3-p air as a grass roots program that will eventually lead to national team development. they offer reduced price air rifles, which at the moment is walther. a few years ago they were the fwb p-70 jr.s and i bet if you looked around then you would see most people shooting fwb. also if a kid starts out shooting say a walther, when they eventually buy their own then there is a greater chance that they will stick with what they started with and like.

personally, i started with an old rws (pnumatic), then my first air gun was a fwb 601 (pnumatic), and did most of my 3-p shooting on my anschutz 2002. i now have an anschutz 9003, but have not shot 3-p with it.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:54 am
by jhmartin
At the NRA team nationals this year it seemed that there was an equal number of Anschutz and FWB's with a good number of Hammerli's thrown in as well.

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 7:47 pm
by Padawan
I soht 3P in high school for three years (college now) and I like Feinwerkbau. I started sporter, then moved up to the FWB p70. Senior year we got FWB p700's and they were even better than the p70's. All in all, you will be fine with any of the top brands (FWB, Anschutz, or walther; maybe styer but I don't know anything about them), they will all hit where you point the rifle. You will be fine in prone with any of these as well.

Try them out if you can (although if you are 300 km from the mearest range this might be difficult), see how they feel to you, that is by far the most important thing.

See Ya,


Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:49 pm
by LawBlur_91
Yes, I live in kentcuky. I'm on a rifle team, but its not a part of the JROTC program. Just about everyone in kentucky uses the Finkerbau (however you spell that haha) P70s (imported by beeman). I love them, and am considering to buy one for practice during the summer.