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FWB p40 air pistol question

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 11:21 am
by Nano
To the forum:

I have a pistol fwb p40, this gun has the possibility to adjust the distance among sights, pulling the back sight.
Am I using the gun like it comes of the manufactures, without modifying the distance between sights, I have the sensation that there is something that could help me to improve but I dont know how to use, for that reason I want to ask: ¿in what cases the distance should be increased between sights?

thank you,


Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 11:42 am
by RobStubbs
I don't know whether it's possible but I don't think it will help you shoot better scores. The general concensus appears to be that having too great a sight radius magnifies the guns movement and tends to make shot release a bigger issue - the shooter tends to over hold waiting for perfect sight alignment. I would be inclined to go the other way to reduce perceived movement. You will still find the gun hits the ten, you should just perceive a more steady sight picture.

The simple answer however is try it and see. Move it to both extremes and see how it feels and how your scores go. You will probably need to try each for a week or two, but that should show you which works best for you.


sight radius

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 11:04 am
by Nano

Thank you for your reply.
I speak spanish, I have to translate all my post´s.
Today I will try to shoot with the maxim sight radius, for one week or two, like you say and chek the scores.
The pistol have one allem screw to increase the sight radius, "pushing" the rear sight in the shooter direction.


Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 6:54 pm
by Weekend Shooter
Oye Amigo,

You may want to try this as well. Move the front blade sight back and pull back the back sight as well. This shortens the sight line but brings it closer to you. I tried shooting with the maximum sight length. The results were interesting, either it's really in or it's really out, which may or may not be a bad idea.

Best wishes