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Do Shooting Glasses (IRIS)Help

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 3:23 am
by Bijon
I have tried shooting with an iris and without it too.

We all know that the human eye can focus on one object distance at a time. ie. either the front sight, rear sight or the target.
But when one uses the iris we have all the three so distinctly clear that it looks as if all the three are in equal clear focus.

Any slight movement between the three looks so distinct that making an error is impossible.

I found shoting with them so relaxing and felt more confident of all my shots and shot better. Now wheni pull the triger i can better call my shots since the error through the iris is magnified. the draw back i guess is that you cannot just pull the trigger unless it is 100% perfect which can sometimes be too time consuming. i saw a little movement is not very harmful and you end up shooting a worse 10 when you though it actually went to an 8.

But I have noticed one thing most of the top shooters like Bill, Mikhail, Yifu donot use shooting glasses.
I really donot know why....probably coz it cuts down a lot of light in the already badly lit indoor ranges.

Kind Regards

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 7:17 am
by EdStevens
I use an iris at my indoor range, but mostly because my eyes can't focus on the front sight without it. It does provide very good visual feedback. However, that benefit can have its price in making it very easy to midrange (focus on the bull rather than the sight) and especially in tempting a conscious "now" on the trigger that results in a bad shot. I do like the iris, but it can be a double-edged sword.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 7:35 am
by RobStubbs
I stopped using an Iris and my scores approved - not sure I can say because of it but they did improve. I have also been advised not to use one by my coach. As you say the temptation is to look for the perfect sight picture and be over critical. Without the Iris you more or less just focus on the foresight and can do with a slightly blurred target without any problems. I think at the end of the day it's down to personal choice. You will see top shooters shooting with them, without them and even without glasses and blinders.



Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 2:14 pm
by Ernie Rodriguez
For my eyes-if there is strong light on the target(like outdoor) the sight picture blurs slightly.I will then close the iris slightly and the sight picture will sharpen again.Normally I use the iris wide open-sight picture sharp and tgt slightly blurred.Erod.