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Coaching and promotional advertisment

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 1:50 pm
by Fabian
Russ: I rarely post messages in this forum, however, I have read probably 95% of the messages during the past three years. I understand your difficulty when trying to express your thoughts in English. However I can not comprehend what are you trying to accomplish here. This is a site devoted to promote shooting sports by sharing knowledge and advice between shooters, this is not a site devoted to self promotion or other personal interest. My suggestion to you is, try to share your experiences as a competitive shooter, then provide us with your secrets to such great scores. As you are obviously promoting yourself as a coach, you have to first demonstrate your value and your knowledge, that is done not only with credentials but by sharing knowledge and learning how to communicate with others in a professional and respectful manner.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 2:06 pm
by Russ

Releasing the shot

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 4:05 pm
by Ernie Rodriguez
Hi Russ-I shoot free pistol and I would like a few tips on releasing the shot without disturbing the sights/sight picture.Can you offer some good advice.Ernie.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 4:33 pm
by Russ

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 4:33 pm
by Russ

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 4:40 pm
by Fred Mannis
I have sent you a PM


Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 6:56 pm
by Russ

Releasing the shot.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 8:49 pm
by Ernie Rodriguez
Hey Russ-Good to chat with you.Your advice for me was right on the money.I am presently practicing trigger release and follow through-for the reasons you discussed.Thanks for good advice.Ernie.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 8:59 pm
by Russ

Re: Releasing the shot.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 9:58 pm
by Ted Bell
Ernie Rodriguez wrote:Hey Russ-Good to chat with you.Your advice for me was right on the money.I am presently practicing trigger release and follow through-for the reasons you discussed.Thanks for good advice.Ernie.
Why the big secret- how about you or Russ share some of that information with the rest of us? Was Russ's advice how to be most effective when practice trigger release and follow through? If so, please share with me how. Or was it that based on your current performance and results, what you need to be focusing on is trigger release and follow through? If that's the case, please share how he was able to determine that that was where your weakness lies?

To be clear, my requests are genuine. It sounds like Russ was able to tell you things over the phone that benefited your training. I visit these forums for one reason- to pick up tips that help make me a better shooted and a better competitor, and it sounds like that is exactly the kind of advice you got from Russ. I know myself and others would greatly appreciate it if you or Russ would be willing to share that information with the rest of us.


Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 10:10 pm
by Russ

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 10:29 pm
by pilkguns in Colorado
David Levene has posted many times for 6 or 7 years, giving numerous tips and advice over the years. His credentials as teacher and coach are well established on this forum. So far, I don't think you have given any advice on this forum, other than the advice to use you as a coach, which you have to admit is pretty self serving.

I am really trying to give you some room to redeem yourself, but really you are not taking advantage of it. Please give some some real advice on this fourm or stop generating controversy with your promotional efforts

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 10:54 pm
by Russ

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 6:43 am
by Ted Bell
Russ wrote:If this strategic secret which helps to bring Gold medal in US soul you will force me to share it too? :(
So, can I assume by your statement that you aren't going to share whatever knowledge you might have on this forum because it might benefit a shooter from another country? If so, why are you here? This is an international forum, and you have virtually admitted that you aren't going to post anything worthwhile because it might help a non-US shooter.


Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 6:50 am
by RobStubbs
Russ wrote:If this strategic secret which helps to bring Gold medal in US soul you will force me to share it too? :(
I don't see anyone asking you to share all your secrets but people are generally asking for advice, help, pointers etc to help them improve their shooting. It is very helpful for people here to get opinions and assistance from the experienced coaches, such as yourself, who frequent this site as well as other 'non coaches'. I haven't read anything that says what the ethos of this forum is but AFAIK it's a forum to help shooters and pass on information. That means posters ask questions and get answers and so it goes on. You're getting a rough ride because you seem reluctant to impart your wisdom via the forum, if you don't want to do that then it begs the question why are you frequenting the site ?



Re: Coaching and promotional advertisment

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 6:59 am
by Russ

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:59 am
by Russ

Releasing the shot and Follow through.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:01 am
by Ernie Rodriguez
Ted Bell-I will share whatever knowledge I have learned from Russ with this forum.Concerning his advice on follow through-basically he feels that a follow through should be held for 3-5 seconds after shot release for 2 reasons.First it developes the habit of not dropping the arm too quickly after the letoff,and most importantly it further developes the ability to hold the gun in the quiet zone for longer periods of time.Not a major secret,but a worthwhile goal.This next portion of advice is not new either,but I have found it works for me and had a great effect on my shot ability and Russ seemed to agree with the method also.When you first raise your arm to shoot,and the sights are begining to align,TWO functions only should be brought into play.At one level,your eyes begin the process of aligning the sights and settling into a somewhat stable quiet zone -and hopefully the shot will go off in this zone.The SECOND level is as follows and starts concurrently with the first.For lack of a better expression-this might be a subconscious level and it MUST be seperate and distinct from the first level.It is AS FOLLOWS-a distinct CONTINUAL,STEADY pressure on the trigger until letoff-with a KEY expression in you brain to KEEP GOING with that pressure until the shot goes off and No hesitation at all.These two levels can be accomplished and it will produce a surprise shot that will be released within your stable zone and MORE often than not,will be a decent shot.To sumarize this second level-if you can keep this function seperate,subconscious,steady and smooth on the trigger,until letoff(regardless of sight alighment)you will see a pleasant surprise in most of your shots.Russ didn't come up with this method,nor did I -but in the area of releasing the shot,it CAN be achieved and it had a HUGE effect on most of my shots,as well as score.Well Ted,I hope this info helps in your ability to shoot better.Regards-Ernie.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:04 am
by Steve Swartz
Follow Through:

Ernie, have you followed our recent discussions on follow through being both a mental (most important) and physical (least important, but opens the door for mental) process? Some really good discussion on this recently.

Shot Process:

Ditto for fundamentals- we have had several discussions about ALIGNMENT and subconscious release during the last 400 milliseconds of the shot process; along with much discussion of how to manage your shot process to "set the conditions" for this. All of what you mentioned is commonly repeated wisdom in this forum.

What you didn't mention was the real key to all of this: you can hear "the secret" one thousand times and never internalize it. It is very difficult to "Let Go" and truly Trust The Process. You have to totally trust the process for many, many shots and even after that it is very Counter-Intuitive. We *all* struggle on every single shot to get out of the way of our own desire to manage the release of the shot and just let it happen.

Glad Russ helped you- maybe his way of explaining made more sense to your ears than the rest of our babblings.

We're here for you man- always have been. That's the main purpose of this forum. And it won't even cost you aphone call- all you need to do is ask.

Steve Swartz

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:22 am
by Russ