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Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:00 am
by TBJmedic
I did several hours of research into the Beretta 92 after reading through this thread and then called Dr. Nick. He returned my call (at 11 at night which doesn't bother me at all but i thought it was rather funny) and then proceeded to talk to me about anything and everything to do with his manufacturing process. Any question i had was answered and then some. This conversation lasted over TWO HOURS! Me being a service member may have something to do with his interest in talking to me but his customer service is incredible.

Re: mcp

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:52 am
by GBMaryland
TBJmedic wrote:I did several hours of research into the Beretta 92 after reading through this thread and then called Dr. Nick. He returned my call (at 11 at night which doesn't bother me at all but i thought it was rather funny) and then proceeded to talk to me about anything and everything to do with his manufacturing process. Any question i had was answered and then some. This conversation lasted over TWO HOURS! Me being a service member may have something to do with his interest in talking to me but his customer service is incredible.
I've been accused of being his information officer [e.g propaganda minister], but that's exactly what happens when I call. I've known the guy personally for 20 years, and he's super interested in the subject and a great person.

As long as someone calls and has an interest, he'll generally talk to him for as long as he has time.

However, you are right, being former military himself, he prefers to speak with service members first. Though he seems to talk to anyone with a serious interest...

What I find wild is how quickly he's moved from one product and method to others to insure the best overall quality. Nick is expanding at a rate that's just wild, when other companies are having issues. I'm going to be curious as to what his next really great ideas are and how he further improves the products.

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 10:49 am
by Dan Gray
Anyone got a foolproof way to get in touch with Dr Nick? I've tried phone (left messages, never got a person) and email.

He's had my M9 for almost three years and I really need to get it back.

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:15 am
by GunRunner
Dan Gray wrote:Anyone got a foolproof way to get in touch with Dr Nick? I've tried phone (left messages, never got a person) and email.

He's had my M9 for almost three years and I really need to get it back.
I stopped trying, he never answers or returns calls. I was a paying customer too like you that has bought from him. No more,hearing too many bad things about him, his company and his work

Mountain Competition Pistols

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 1:19 am
by ilshooter
During this thread there has been a notion floated centered around the idea that we as shooters should be patient with gunsmiths when they cannot deliver when they promise. And I a point.

Here's the thing, if someone promises to do something and they can't because of an understandable circumstance, that is forgivable. Most reasonable people are willing be flexible. Hmm, year? Two years? Three years...I am beyond that point. The situation is not good and I have come to an impasse with Dr. Nick.

After waiting, for over four years to get a pistol that I paid for in 2008!! I filed a lawsuit against Dr. Nick and his company and am going to court next week.

He refuses to settle this matter out of the courts and has threatened me with a slander charge. So, as I don't want to be accused by him or his supporters of slander. I have only shared the FACTS!!!!

Stay Tuned and I'll update everyone on what happens...

Oh, If anyone in the PA/NJ/NY area has had any similar experiences, please contact me of list. I'll be in the area and I'd love to chat......

Re: Mountain Competition Pistols

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 12:17 pm
by matchguy
ilshooter wrote:During this thread there has been a notion floated centered around the idea that we as shooters should be patient with gunsmiths when they cannot deliver when they promise. And I a point.

Here's the thing, if someone promises to do something and they can't because of an understandable circumstance, that is forgivable. Most reasonable people are willing be flexible. Hmm, year? Two years? Three years...I am beyond that point. The situation is not good and I have come to an impasse with Dr. Nick.

After waiting, for over four years to get a pistol that I paid for in 2008!! I filed a lawsuit against Dr. Nick and his company and am going to court next week.
I agree with you completely. I sent parts to a big name gunsmith who told me he'd have it done in 3 months. 1 year later it still wasn't done. I told him to send me my parts back with my payment including shipping. Funny how these guys tell you your job will be completed in x number of months and when you call them in x number of months they're mad at you for bothering them and of course their kid is sick, wife was rushed to the hospital, house damaged by a twister etc. Gunsmiths must be the sickest most unlucky people on earth.

I heard of a big smallbore gunsmith that tells you your job will be done in X number of months. Of course it's not done when you called in x months. He says it will take 2 more months. You call him in 2 months. He then packs your stuff up and sends it back and says don't bother me in the future. What arrogance!!

Gunsmiths know exactly how long it takes to do jobs, if they're professional. They tell you 3 months to get the business. Imagine if they told me it would take 9mo to a year, I'd try to find someone else. Once they got your action, you're stuck.

I think the gunsmith industry need to clean up their act and perform like professionals. If they can't deliver on time, hire some help and have happy customers that tell their friends of their positive experience instead how they got jerked around for a year or more. If you give a quote in the computer business and miss your deadline, you owe some people a penalty fee if not worse.

Must say there are great gunsmiths out there, John Holliger for one. Every job he ever did for me came early not late. He'd say 3 months and he'd send you a note in 2 months it's done. Haven't had work done by him for a couple years so I hope he's still good about delivery dates. Had several jobs done at Gander Mountain and each was done earlier than promised.

I try to do as much gunsmithing myself as I can. I may wreck some things but it's better than waiting for a year. A year from now I may not even be interested in what I tried to have done.


Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 1:44 pm
by Ernie Rodriguez
This is why we have the forum-among many other reasons. If a gunsmith is communicative,fair,reasonable and skilled-then heap praise on him. But if he is unreliable,non-communicative,unskilled and other forum members have complaints about him/her-tell us about it. Give us his name and your story-if you don't-you are not helping our shooting group or his future customers. In my humble opinion-of course

Re: Gunsmiths

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 2:10 pm
by BenEnglishTX
Ernie Rodriguez wrote:This is why we have the forum-among many other reasons....In my humble opinion-of course
Actually, that's a call that pilkguns and Isabel1130 get to make as the mods on this subforum.

Let me be clear, I agree with you. I think gunsmiths who act unprofessionally should be unambiguously outed. However, I've seen other forums run on a strictly "no bad news" basis where you can praise anyone but any post complaining about poor service is immediately deleted. The mods there believe that maintaining a cordial, upbeat tone to the conversation best serves the audience and avoids flamewars and other degenerations to which web forums are susceptible. In their case, it works.

My experience is that finding good, local talent is important. The "big name" smiths frequently have growing pains that simply never get solved and the ones that do solve them frequently morph into big, "semi-custom" operations that lose what made them special in the first place. With a local smith, things are different. The ability to walk into the shop, shake hands, discuss needs, and look the guy right in the eye seems to make most problems disappear.

Finding those people can be hard. I found one by talking on the phone to a famous rifle maker in my area and being quite frank. His operation had become so famous that his prices for a new rifle would buy a decent used car and his delivery times were ridiculous. I simply told him that while I'd love to use him, I was looking for much more pedestrian work and could he recommend anybody in the area. He could. When my guy gets "discovered", I may have to move on to someone else but he's so bad at self-promotion that I don't think I'll have to worry about it for a while.

Back to my original point - While I agree with you, Mr. Rodriguez, the fact is that just how much latitude the posters to this forum have in relating tales of bad 'smiths isn't up to us.

Dr. Nick

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 6:52 pm
by penman53
It is indeed a shame that you have had such trouble dealing with Dr. Nick. I have had many informative conversations with him and find him to be a real kick. I love my MCP wad gun and I hope that you to will find that your gun in a real masterpiece when you do get it back. I don't know why in the world he is being so hard to contact and I am sure that you are livid by now. I just wish that you didn't have to resort to legal means but if you must you must. Good luck to you.


Re: Dr. Nick

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 3:11 pm
by ilshooter

When I met Dr. Nick, I was impressed with his perspective and enthusiasm for his work. I also, found him to be very likeable. I knew that he had been a great supporter of our sport by providing not only financial support to events but also prizes and awards.

I want to note that he did send me a Beretta last week that I left with him four years ago. I tested the gun and am to this point, happy with the quality of the work he performed. The work he did was excellent.

Unfortunately, the quality of his work is minimized by the way he has done business with me. The amount of time I waited before filing suit is a clear indication that I was willing to be patient. Moreover, he has yet to remedy this situation, forcing it into the courts. He has had almost a month since I filed. It is hard for me to believe that he is willing to risk having a court judgement filed against him!

I regret having to file suit against Dr. Nick and his Company. But, I found myself no longer trusting him. I have waited over four years and he has made multiple promises to finish the work and has not delivered. If he told me I had to wait so long for him to fulfill my order, I may have agreed. Or, I might have decided to not enter into the contract at all. If he handled the transaction differently, I might have proudly owned his guns and may have retained my respect for him and his company. I find myself in an unfortunate situation!!!


Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 6:48 pm
by shadow
There have been many businesses that get in a bind from time to time. It would be helpful if Mountain made a statement here on this list or another one. If they have lost key employers, took on too much work etc. - say so. The slience only adds to the speculation.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:30 pm
by GBMaryland
I've ordered the court transcripts for the forum, and will post them once they arrive.

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:35 am
by GunRunner
Plenty of horror stories out there about dr.nick and his customer service, best thing is to stay away from him altogether, there are plenty of good business men building even better guns to deal with.

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:18 am
by GBMaryland
Plenty of horor stories about almsot every gunsmith.

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:10 pm
by Greg Derr
GBMaryland wrote:Plenty of horor stories about almsot every gunsmith.
Not really.

Pistol Smiths

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:29 am
by Ernie Rodriguez
I agree with G. Derr. Thanks to our members on the forums-we know who the few bad ones are.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 11:17 am
by losw
GBMaryland wrote:I've ordered the court transcripts for the forum, and will post them once they arrive.
GB did you ever get the transcripts or information?

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 5:30 am
by lovelyme
hi guys.. im just new here.. from this forum...
ahm.. please help me.. cause i am searching for a 45
pistols..cause.. i have.. some camping that.. i need a
weapons.. hope you well help me guys.. thanks...

have a good day all ^_^
Many people are finding that blow guns offer quite a challenging and fun sport.

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 6:29 am
by trulyapostolic
lovelyme wrote:hi guys.. im just new here.. from this forum...
ahm.. please help me.. cause i am searching for a 45
pistols..cause.. i have.. some camping that.. i need a
weapons.. hope you well help me guys.. thanks...

have a good day all ^_^
Really? Is this some kind of setup?

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 11:01 am
by RandomShotz
trulyapostolic wrote:
lovelyme wrote: hi guys.. im just new here.. from this forum...
ahm.. please help me.. cause i am searching for a 45
pistols..cause.. i have.. some camping that.. i need a
weapons.. hope you well help me guys.. thanks...

have a good day all ^_^

Really? Is this some kind of setup?
Not really. It is some kind of spam.

Did you know that Dante inserted a tenth bolgia of Hell into "The Inferno" just for spammers?
