Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 11:55 am
Anybody know where a comparison list of the lock times for various pistols can be found on the web?
A forum to talk about Olympic style shooting, rifle or pistol, 10 meters to 50 meters, and whatever is in between. Hosted by
Someone in our club has a Patro, it rarely works and has to be retuned with every change of ammoscerir wrote:Roberto Palamà made (late '70s) beautiful competition pistols, under the name of "Patro", with a different percussion system (no hammer). They were very good and the trigger was impeccable and smooth (the trigger-stop had a spring, inside), and the barrel was very short indeed. ... tro_M2.jpg
He also tried different mechanisms, designed for rapid fire competition, also with hammer, as far as I remember, to get a faster percussion. ... tro_M3.jpg
Palamà is still working, as a gunsmith. Many say he is the best gunsmith in Italy. I would write an email, about these malfunctions, roberto@robertopalama.comJamesH wrote: Someone in our club has a Patro, it rarely works and has to be retuned with every change of ammo