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Re: story

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 12:34 pm
by Guest
david alaways wrote: I swear at one point they had the rope and where looking for a tree.
For the principal, or the kid?


Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 6:20 pm
by david alaways
The principal.or should I say the school board. The kid parked down past the tenniscourts off campus 3 blocks from the campus. He actually had taken his unloaded guns down and had them hid under the seat. someone saw this and called in the dogs. The county schoolboard eventally overturned the suspension and all Lawyers and other bills where paid by the school.

Re: story

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:07 pm
by honeybadger
david alaways wrote: You dont kick a farmer and you dont kick his kid. Big stink occured the school said they where right the "TOWN" fought back and the school lost.
Best story I've heard in a long time. Thanks for making my day!

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:14 pm
by honeybadger
Gerard wrote:One has to wonder at the depth of fear combined with stupidity (or ignorance if one is feeling charitable) of so many people. Of course there are idiots with guns doing stupid things, but the vast majority do not act dangerously even if they're towards the intellectually challenged end of the spectrum. If public servants (teachers, school nurses etc) are really so concerned, why not berate every parent driving their child to school? After all, the car drivers among us kill frightening numbers of bystanders and other drivers as well as their own children, far more than gun owners statistically.

But we are becoming ever more a babysat society. The UK sets a lovely example, where carrying a belt knife will earn you jail time. And then they wonder why manual competence is so poor among the young. I got a knife and a BB gun at age 7, along with a baseball glove and a bicycle. My stepdad taught me to use each effectively. Put me on the road to competence. I've heard that in Sweden every kid gets a knife in school and a class in carving with it. Brilliant. Wonder if any school system offers an airgun class...
Couldn't agree with your sentiments more, Gerard. That's one thing I like about this forum, it strongly communicates the sporting aspects of guns. Wish more would listen to these kinds of voices.

Lived in Sweden for a while, and no, they don't hand out the knives any more. Very much a nanny state. The whole western world went crazy with this nanny state idea over the last 20 years or so, can't wait for that trend to reverse.

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 6:29 pm
by Guest
I wanted to start this thread for maybe some good humor, I thought it was funny.....

Q: What is your favorite possession?

He read it as position:::: He's 9, but oh well, he's still a good shot

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 6:35 pm
by acdcguy
sorry, forgot to log in............