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Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 3:50 am
by Spencer
j-team wrote:It's "only" a .36 so maybe suitable for smaller Kiwi pigs but not for some of those Aussie monsters that I've heard about (some of which are as big as a holden ute)!

Next time Spencer is in NZ, maybe I should arrange a trip into the Ureweras with some local Maori boys for a pig hunt!
From an old survivor:
at close range, wild pigs = Brennekes


Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 11:27 am
by jsealc21
As Captain Mainwaring ( Dad's Army ) was prone to announce , "they don't like the cold steel up'em"...a concept with regard to pig-hunting which is a little at odds with the "Brenneke" school of thought,but on reflection, I would agree with Spencer's philosophy of " might is right "
And perhaps the visit to the Ureweras could become an annual pilgrimage, followed (assuming success), by a hangi and sampling of many and varied microbrews and wines from the region, preceded of course by a gentlemanly international pistol competition...what say you ?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:24 am
by Makarov
Actually red dot for TOZ35 it is a good idea only if you use it with silencer.
With ultradot and silencer I will be able to shoot rabbits,chipmunks,rats,
squarels,etc, you name it, on my yard and don't disturb people.
I do have ultradot and several TOZ35 pistol, so I can afford to modify one.
Only one problem, I don't have silencer for TOZ35.
Does anybody can hook me up with silencer?
I will pay top dollar.
Hook the brother up!
Best regards!

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:38 pm
by Mike M.
Makarov wrote:Actually red dot for TOZ35 it is a good idea only if you use it with silencer.
With ultradot and silencer I will be able to shoot rabbits,chipmunks,rats,
squarels,etc, you name it, on my yard and don't disturb people.
I do have ultradot and several TOZ35 pistol, so I can afford to modify one.
Only one problem, I don't have silencer for TOZ35.
Does anybody can hook me up with silencer?
I will pay top dollar.
Hook the brother up!
Best regards!