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Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 9:15 am
by scerir
alb wrote: No, the finals can't be scored this way. As soon as you observe the result, all other potential quantum states collapse.
That is true in the orthodox (Copenhagen-Princeton) interpretation only. There are several interpretations. In example, in the MWI (Many Worlds Interpretation) you get both '9' and '10', but each in a different world, or universe. In the MMI (Many Minds Interpretation) you get a '9' (located in your memory) and a '10' (located in a different - say, orthogonal - part of your memory).

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 11:11 am
by Hemmers
Ed Hall wrote: I've shot some good matches without using a scope...
which is al very well till you shoot an ISSF style match on electronics and the big screen next to you is plotting your shots for you...

Use this technique carefully. One guy I knew was doing a 10-shot card. 4 shots in, they were all pin-bulls, smack in the middle. Satisfied he was shooting straight and the sights were fine, he fired the remaining 6 without scoping. On checking his scope, expecting to see a high 90s score, he had a 94 - all 6 shots in the 9-ring, and not just out, but all through the same hole! Now, to this day, we don't know what happened to his position or sights that moved his POI out, but had he scoped that 5th shot, he could have clicked the sights back in.
Of course, then you get psychological issues relating to your knowledge of the score as well, but I'll bet he'd have shot better than 94!


Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 1:34 pm
by 2650 Plus
And we have found them. The last posts are exercises in nonsense and contribute nothing to shooting skills. The last time I listened to such drivel the expounders were higher than a kite ,having over indulged in marijuana. They sounded exactly like the nonsense posted here except theires was verbal. Theres no doubt that none of you have ever won a national championship or an international medal. You have excelled at destroying your most valuable possetion , To wit ,your mind. This nonsense may be fun but it is a waste of time better spent training . Negative thinking is a serious detriment to good shooting and you would be better served developing a positive approach to your endevors in our sport. If i've taken your nonsense too seriously, please accept my appology. Good Shooting Bill Horton

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 2:41 pm
by funtoz
Time to join Ed and Steve in a round of silence. Maybe I'll go kill a few fish for a change. Bill has everything in hand here.

Just so Bill won't have to be offended by my useless ramblings, I've deleted the last 8 months of my unfocused drivel.



Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 4:39 pm
by 2650 Plus
My approach to competition shooting was that I found it much more enjoyable to win than to shoot to loose, so I went into matches planning to win. I dedicated my training time to preparing myself to win. My practice had only one purpose and that was to lay the foundation for a win. I am impatient with any other approach because training and practice coupled with firing the match use up many dollars in ammunition and many hours in preperation time. That exoendature of assets is wasted IMHO if there is no intention of winning. This has nothing to do with the military, It has to do with me as a man. When I shoot for fun ,I usually select impromptue rargets.often shotgun ,rifle ,or air rifle. good shooting Bill Horton { and I dont smoke pot]

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 5:30 pm
by dhurt
Funny thing just happened, I was doing some training with my air pistol, and I was having some troubles because this "NNN" thing kept popping into my head even though I had not read the posts, merely the title of this posting. It was like a song that I could not get out of my head, and my shots were suffering. All in my head. I had to think of Positive Pabobs of Positivity, get back to my normal shot process, and resulted in an OK 97. The mind (at least my mind) is a fragile thing and I think just seeing "NNN" in print was screwing with my head. John Zurek is such a positive guy and he expounds of positive thinking, I think he is 100%. Just an interesting observation on my part, not looking to take any sides here.

Positive pabobs of positivity

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:42 pm
by 2650 Plus
Congradulations mr Phurt. Your solution to the mental issue was ingenious to say the least. And 97s are worth remembering . The odds of your next shot being a 10 are 7 to 3. They would not let you play the tables at Las Vegas if you hade those odds going in. Some where in that 10 shot string there was a perfectly executed shot . The kind of shot Lanny Basham calls "the ultimate you".Your pistols full of shots like that.Let them come out and enjoy.. Good Shooting Bill Horton

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 1:31 am
by dhurt
Thank you Bill. I only wish every string was at least a 97! I try to do my part, but even a 97 average is only a 582, and these European and Chinese do better than that quite often, hard to comprehend when I would be thrilled with a 582. There is lots of time to train for 3X, maybe we can all hit it hard and get there by December!

P.S. I would also be thrilled to get over a 2600! Regional is coming for me in two weeks!!! Time to blow the dust off the ol' .45. Dwaine.

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 9:31 am
by alb
dhurt wrote:Funny thing just happened, I was doing some training with my air pistol, and I was having some troubles because this "NNN" thing kept popping into my head ... It was like a song that I could not get out of my head, and my shots were suffering...
It could be worse. An image of Spiro Agnew keeps popping into my head whenever I think of it -- very bad for the concentration!

Thank you soooo much, Bill!

Al B.

Positive Pabobs of postivity

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 5:38 pm
by 2650 Plus
Thats what I get for being a smart a$$. I deaply appoligize for the result. Al B To make things worse I knew the effects of any negative input and the effects it has on the subconcious aspects of the shot sequence. Its always possible to override a negative thought in the concious part of the plan but I have no idea how one would accomplish the same thing with the subconsious process. Maybe a week of totally positive mental rehersals would help.Good Shooting Bill Horton

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:35 pm
by SteveT
Hemmers wrote:Use this technique carefully. One guy I knew was doing a 10-shot card. 4 shots in, they were all pin-bulls, smack in the middle. Satisfied he was shooting straight and the sights were fine, he fired the remaining 6 without scoping. On checking his scope, expecting to see a high 90s score, he had a 94 - all 6 shots in the 9-ring, and not just out, but all through the same hole! Now, to this day, we don't know what happened to his position or sights that moved his POI out, but had he scoped that 5th shot, he could have clicked the sights back in.
Of course, then you get psychological issues relating to your knowledge of the score as well, but I'll bet he'd have shot better than 94!
I hear this argument often, but I don't buy it. How often does this happen? It's happened to me 2 or maybe 3 times in the last 4 years of shooting. On the other hand, how often does scoping the target negatively affect the shooter's thoughts and outlook? It's happened to me more times than I can count. So, if I had never scoped after the first couple of shots I would have done worse in 2 or 3 matches and better in 10 or 20 matches. Sounds like an easy choice for me.

Steve Turner

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 2:45 pm
by jackh
If you let scoping the last shot effect your next shot, it's not the scopes fault.


Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 4:29 pm
by 2650 Plus
Right on Jackh . Just don't scope for score, Scope only to confirm shot location reletive to your call. As in the Johnny Cash song 'the Gambler'"Dont count your money til the deal is done. Score after the last shot has been fired. Good Shooting Bill Horton

Re: Nabobs

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 7:28 am
by Sparks
2650 Plus wrote:My approach to competition shooting was that I found it much more enjoyable to win than to shoot to loose, so I went into matches planning to win. I dedicated my training time to preparing myself to win. My practice had only one purpose and that was to lay the foundation for a win. I am impatient with any other approach because training and practice coupled with firing the match use up many dollars in ammunition and many hours in preperation time. That exoendature of assets is wasted IMHO if there is no intention of winning.
I wholeheartedly agree. I've generally found, however, that I do much better in this endeavour if I remember that the first round goes in the range officer, then the rest in the rest of the competitors, and then when I've finished with my "sighters", I find that no matter how I shoot on the day, I tend to finish with the highest score, which is a good return on all my training.
But that's enough time wasted on dope-inspired typing, time to get back to some proper training!


Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 3:54 pm
by 2650 Plus
Mr Sparks , would you have us believe that range officers in Ireland dont wear bullet proof vests ? Could they be more couragous than ours ? Or is this just a cultural difference.? But back to what this forum is designed to do. Lets try to provide corect information so that our less experienced shooters [most with a lot more tallent than I posessed] will be able to progress more rapidly than I did. We do have a serious problem here with many of our police officers havine poor marksmanship skills. That has not stopped our polititions from passing laws to prohibit citizens fron wearing the vests mentioned above. Good Shooting Bill Horton


Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 4:42 pm
by david alaways
kenny rodgers not cash, now back too shooting.