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Problem & fix.

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:02 am
by Graakall

The BIL broke on my MG2 (Number 140x) after over 4 years of troublefree shooting.

The new modifed (stronger) BIL was installed and the gun would not eject empty cases.

I suspected the BIL to be the problem, but I had used the opportunity too clean and lubricate the gun so I was in doubt.

First I checked my work too see that the gun was corrctlly assmbeled and no parts missing. During this I removed exess lubrication that might cause trouble.

As I cycled the mecanism looking at the gun from the lefthand side I noticed that the new BIL started moving downwards in front before the ejector had come out of its slot in the slideface(?).
After experimenting with empty cases the conclusion was that filing away a lttle material all the way from the mounting pin to the cam thats intended to lower the BIL would make the new part fit.
While cycling the gun after filing ca 1/10 mm off the BIL the mecanism now cycled as before.

I went to the range and fired ca 250 rounds with no malfunctions.

Hope its useful.