S&W M41 rear sight

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S&W M41 rear sight

Post by Gort »

The rear sight in S&W M41 HB barrels made in the last several years have a sight made by Keng. This sight has a Very shallow notch and is most difficult to see. I found a great solution, an Aristocrate rear sight. I machined the barrel extention to accept the sight and mounted. The notch is deep and the sight picture is fantastic.
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S&W M41 rear sight

Post by xray »

hello my first post.good idea but i must ask ? what are the grips you use? also does anyone know of a complete disassembel manual for the smith 41 .i have several very old and i would like to change the sear and hammer springs.that i feel are getting weak like myself thanks xray
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Post by Gort »

The grips in the photo are Nill grips, the lower gun grip is with thumbrest, upper without. I am afraid I can't help with a disassembaly manual.

Post by tbone62 »

Great idea. However, I noticed that you have postioned the sight in two different locations on each barrel...one hangs off the end while the other is more or less flush with the rear. How is that working out for you?
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Post by Gort »

The M41 with the 3 position sight is mounted flush and looks great, but it takes the rear scope mount hole out. The other, I mounted back to preserve the last hole and give me a longer sight radius. I think I like the further to the rear for the sight radius, but the looks of the other one.
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