Training vs practice

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Post by bryan »

dont know of any sport that does not have the same process to be your best, the applications change, but you might be suprised how similar different sports are. pistol has its own demands, like any sport.
If you want to know the technique of pistol, you need a sport specific coach. If you want to learn to win, you need a coach to teach you this, the sport is less important, the coach will rely on your expertise in the specific sport. these coaches are thin on the ground at elite level.

your national pistol coach was very good before he came to pistol, if he didnt have knowledge of pistol before, no doubt he will soon learn.

steve, one issue I see, is you dont appear to listen. you have had trouble competing your way, but still persist. long as you are happy.
still learning I am trying lots different ways of doing things, with varying success. even your way, in the process I am learning different techniques, so it is all good.

coaches with the most personal success, usually have the best students. but that is not saying all successful shooters are good coaches.

Steve Swartz

Post by Steve Swartz »

. . . maybe I'm following Bill's philosophy on taking advice more than I thought . . . !

Steve Swartz
2650 Plus

Training vs Practice

Post by 2650 Plus »

Steve HTGS just as still as training permits me to hold it . HTGS Just as still in the rear sight notch as I can train myself to hold it. [front sight] HTGS??? I do not like to waste our time. I have had coaches so uninformed that they had trouble picking up our brass and that was the limit of their expertise, Shooters worked togeather because they relied on one another to win team matches all four shooters scores were important because you cant win alone. Coaches are not allowed in individual matcher, The shooter must learn to cope alone. Coaches were of some use in team matches because they scored the targets and the shooters concentrated on winning the match. Why are you so concerened about my attitude toward coaches? Does My attitude affect you in any way? Are you a coach? I'd rather stick to issues as I find shooting so much more interesting. Good shooting Bill Horton
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