Only have 6-7 yards shooting distance in my basement

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Post by pgfaini »

Spencer wrote:...ISSF scoring of center fire matches takes caliber (.32 vs. .38) into account, by calculating a fixed distance(based on .32 cal.) from the center of the shot(s)...

Nope - based on 9.65 mm calibre (true .38") - ISSF

Thanks Spencer, I stand corrected. But either way, there is no handicap/benefit based upon bullet diameter.

AAlex, In my opinion, it is the nature of these discussions to branch off in different directions. That's what makes them interesting, and informative. Don't you agree?

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Post by AAlex »

Amen to that.
Totally disagree with you, but your input is appreciated.
Albert B


Post by Albert B »

Nicole, thank you for correcting my math. It was part of an article I wrote in Dutch for my club. I will correct the math accordingly. Nice to know there are people who take the effort to check things and think it over, before they start reacting.
Am I correct you are doing something in the field of mechanical engineering?

Albert B
(The Netherlands)
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Nicole Hamilton
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Re: Math

Post by Nicole Hamilton »

Albert B wrote:Am I correct you are doing something in the field of mechanical engineering?
Hi, Albert. By training (35 years ago at Stanford :) I'm an electrical engineer. I've spent most of my career designing system software, meaning the internals of complex systems. For a long time, I was an entrepreneur, selling a software product I'd written myself. In the 2001/2002 recession, I went to Microsoft for a few years, where I wrote just over 10% of their new search engine, including the part that decides what the query is asking for, runs the search and then orders the results.
ALbert B

Post by ALbert B »

Did Bill G. reward your efforts in relation to the profits of Microsoft? :-)

Albert B.
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Nicole Hamilton
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Post by Nicole Hamilton »

ALbert B wrote:Did Bill G. reward your efforts in relation to the profits of Microsoft? :-)
NO! :(
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