Adjustible Rear Iris, etc.

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Adjustible Rear Iris, etc.

Post by Guest »

I just purchased a FWB P700. After quite a few years I picked up my 75 T O1 and recalled how much fun match rifles are to shoot.

I would like to get an adjustible rear iris for the FWB factory sight, such as one of the Gehmann products. I will probably later get a foresight iris as well.

1) Is the thread now standard on rear sights so that I can assume that all irises will fit?

2) How do I determine what will work with the foresight?

3) In the alternative, is it better overall not to add to the factory sights and get something else? "Better" in this context meaning that there is a significant advantage in replacing the sights. This seems unlikely to me, but I'd rather know now.

I feel like a complete beginner again. :)


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Post by pdeal »

The rear iris's are pretty standard- they all have an m9.5x1 thread. I would suggest you check out centra instead of gehman. The differences are small but the centra stuff all seems to have some clever little advantages. I use a rifle mounted blinder as many people do. The coolest thing about the centra iris's is that they have a little spring loaded disk on the front side to hold a blinder. Most people I know of who use a blinder like I do poke a hole in it and have to remove their rear aperture or iris to take their blinder off to put the rifle away. With the centra rear iris's I cut a blinder out of a milk jug and just slip in and out without removing the rear iris. They also have a very nice way of attaching filters to their iris's. Also, the Anschutz 9775, 9779, and 9781 are actually centra iris's and have these same features. As far as a front iris goes I think all you need to do is to figure out if you have a 18mm or 22mm front sight and they go on.

Post by Guest »

Thank you for the information, great stuff!

Time to get shopping.

Posts: 63
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As pdeal said the irises from Anschutz/Centra and Gehmann will fit OK, the front will be threaded the same as long as you can figure if you have M18 or M22, as far as your sights go, if there is no signs of thread backlash I'd hang onto them for now, see how you go, if you feel a little down the road they need replacing them you could think about an Anschutz / Gehmann etc etc set of sights.

You will notice a big difference with the rear iris, get one with coours and polar filters, both are great for different reasons, get the combination iris now as in a few months you'll wish you had spend the few dollars extra and gotten the iris with both instead of just colour filters OR polar filters.

Front adjustable irises are great if you change aperture size alot, I tend only to use 3.5 3.6 3.7 and 3.8 for all my disciplines so don't see the need to have a foresight iris, I just keep those 4 sizes in glass.

Loads of extras to play with on the accessory side of things too, eagle eyes, glare tubes etc etc.

Post by Guest »

Thank you for the additional information and suggestions! There is a myriad of choices so this does assist a great deal.

How does one use the color filters and polarization features? Is this trial and error and learning what works for the individual shooter or are there general guidelines that would help a beginner?

Thanks again.

Posts: 63
Joined: Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:08 am

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Elrich it really is trial and error, most shooters like polar filters especially in the bright light, the colour filters are mostly personal preference, I like yellow and orange as I think it defines the target black better, but it really is personal, you will have lots of fun trying!!

Post by Guest »

I must admit, it does sound like fun. I like finely adjustable precise mechanical things. I bet most of us here are like this. :)


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