Position of trigger finger with Free Pistol

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Position of trigger finger with Free Pistol

Post by Guest »

I've always shooted my FP the same way I shoot my AP, i.e. with the trigger finger completely free of grip support on the bottom, but I must say that my trigger release in FP isn't clean as I'd like.
I've read somewhere that in FP the finger should rest on the grip for near all the length of the same finger.
What do you think about what I've read? Truth or baloney?
Many thanks and best regards from Italy.
Posts: 29
Joined: Thu Mar 11, 2004 1:44 am
Location: St.-Petersburg, Russia

Post by Alexey931 »

With the FP the trigger finger shoud be as free of the grip as possible, just as with any other pistol. The actual problem is that the FP trigger is always the hardest to manage. Just bite the bullet...

Best regards, Alexey
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