Sciatica and Stance

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B Lafferty
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Sciatica and Stance

Post by B Lafferty »

I normally stand close to oblique. My sciatica flared up while shooting six targets, so I tried a more open stance with feet at about a 40 degree angle for the final target. This resulted in target six having a better grouping with a score of 91. Has anyone else who suffers with sciatica opened their stance during a match series thereby obtaining better groupings?
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Re: Sciatica and Stance

Post by -TT- »

Definitely the open stance can reduce pressure between pelvis and spine. I don't have sciatica, but I do have a tight SI joint on the right, and small changes in foot rotation make a big difference. I adjust my stance during long matches frequently. I also sometimes bend my torso (at the waist) away from the direction I'm shooting, which opens the SI joint slightly.
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Re: Sciatica and Stance

Post by Rover »

In the immortal words of champion shooter, Renald Schilke: "Gettin' old ain't for sissies!"

I have the T-shirt to prove it.
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Re: Sciatica and Stance

Post by brent375hh »

I rarely have sciatica bouts, but I did try to emulate the current crop of champions. It didn't work for me. I am too old and not flexible like in my youth. It craned my neck and I felt stressed in my bad knee. I went back to shooting about a 45 -50 degree angle and my score improved. After reading some old books, I see there were plenty of top notch FP shooters that shot like that and put up some really good score.

The proof is in the pudding for me. Whatever stance or thought that puts more center hits on my target is what I will use.

I think closing your eyes or dry firing in a dark room can help your body find where it needs to be. I also think that in the course of 60 shots your ligaments stretch somewhat, so marking your feet position should not be carved in stone in your prep period imo.
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Re: Sciatica and Stance

Post by Rover »

Over the years, I've observed that stance tends to be kind of "trendy." Since there is no real NPA, you may as well be comfy.

Remember the first rule of shooting: "Like sex, it shouldn't hurt when you do it."
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Re: Sciatica and Stance

Post by toddinjax »

I have sciatica, stenosis, collapsing and bulging discs and what two docs have called “enormous amount of arthritis” in my back and “ the biggest bone spurs I’ve ever seen”. Add to that merailgia paraesthetica (sort of like carpal tunnel where your legs attach to the torso) and somewhat limited ROM of my neck. Pain is a part of my life so emulating the typical stance witnessed in ISSF videos is not happening for me. Since my recent return to ap, I find my npa by first turning my head as far right as I can without discomfort and then find where my feet can go to allow me to naturally point at the center of the target. It’s usually around 45* or less. As I’ve read here multiple times that open v closed stance has changed over the years, as happens in other sports too.
Edit; where’s my head today, forgot to add scoliosis to the list.
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Re: Sciatica and Stance

Post by seamaster »

I am REALLY surprised what proper stretch exercise can do.

Started playing golf first time this summer. I could not turn my hip much at my age. As hard as I hit the ball, just could not get 7 iron, more than 100 yards.

Growing old is not for sissies. But I am sure I am not that sissy, yet. No avail. As hard as I trial, just no go.

Not until I started this stretching ... &FORM=VIRE

Hip CAN open up nicely with stretching. I could have never believed it.

In one week, my 7 iron is up by 25 yards.

And I can face the target completely, while legs are in line to target.

I am completely facing the target with ease, now.

Yes, old sissies can face the target with proper stretching. No caveat about your sissy age please. ... ORM=VDRVRV
B Lafferty
Posts: 459
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Re: Sciatica and Stance

Post by B Lafferty »

Thank you all for the replies. I am doing a variety of stretches. I will now focus on a more open stance as that seems more comfortable and results in better groupings. Again, thanks!
"No mud; no Lotus."-- Thich Nhat Hanh
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