Pat McCoy wrote:The current jackets and pants support the shooter.
Slings and gloves do not give any support to the shooter, but may (sling) support the rifle, which is OK. Gloves are way thicker than needed to prevent pinching. A batting or golf glove will stop slipping from perspiration, and if too thin one can go to a leather work glove (perhaps with thin lining), as found at most hardware stores. Cheap and effective. Often free because the fingers on the primary use hand (right for most) wear out, and left gloves are lurking all over.
I'll have to think about kneeling rolls.
Those who complain about the cost of shooting clothing should welcome the removal of it in favor of "street clothes" it seems to me.
Slings do indeed offer support to the shooter ... that is the whole purpose of them. Shoot your 160 shot prone match w/o it.
In any case, support is not my issue ... prevention on injury is.
I'm not a competitive shooter, I'm a junior coach. My "job" is to teach the kids the sport for the long term and do do it safely.
Slings, kneeling rolls, gloves all prevent injury. As also do jackets and pants that have some (not inordinate) stiffness.
As such with the rules in place AND even the rules proposed, I feel comfortable in bringing youth into a sport where I'm able to make sure they are not injured. If I felt different, I'd take them over to the trap & skeet fields.
It would be really nice to come across a custom gunmaker that could replicate a 1912 or 1914 that would be a lot lighter than what Anschutz produces for the equivalent price. In some (not all) aspects we must adapt to what is available on the market (and please, don't try and compare a 1903 to a 1914).
I also know that it is not all driven by what is available.
ISSF has determined what the rules have been in the past so that we are where we are now ... all legal and acceptable, it has been gradual.
What this discussion is all about, when you get to the "meat of the matter", is that ISSF continually operates in a "royalty" mode issuing decrees to "the little people" (as they see them).
All of the technical discussions could be taken up with a period of comments if they would stand down from just issuing their thought of the day.
Again some of the questions to ask ...
WHAT is a Vibration reduction System?? Even they cannot explain it yet. Or maybe just don't feel that they need to let the little people know, we'll find out at equipment check. (Honestly, I think they mean some sort of electronic gadget)
WHAT is the purpose of trashing many of the jackets with this Left Side Panel rule?
WHY are they going nutso over boots/shoes when they have already decreed "Walk normally or be disqualified"? It has been explained to ISSF folks walk that way to make the items last longer ... they can walk normally in an international match, I certainly don't give a rip if they try and make a $250 pair of boots or shoes last longer by walking goofy on my practice range ... I just tell them don't do it at JOs or Nationals.
WTH on the SFZ???? ????!!!! ???? I've made arguments before that SFZ is done in other sports, but was corrected by others in those other sports, the same event (exactly .. in distance & format) ... Shoot a 60 shot Air final or a 3x20 Womens final, I don't think too many would have issue with SFZ.
WHY the reduction in time limits? For TV????? Give me a break ... shooting will NEVER be broadcast to the degree that other sports are. After all .... it is SHOOTING .... very non-PC in this day & age. No bikinis or guys with 6-pacs to stare at. Trying to get more shooting shown on broadcast channels is a pipe dream.
Most of the issues would go away if the courtesy was given to the athletes (primarily), coaches, and vendors in the sport of a discussion period rather than a "Here ya go ... new rule of the day!" executive order method.