Which Ultra Dot?

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Post by bentrod »

I shoot irons only outdoors. I have trouble with indoor lighting at some ranges, in fact, sometimes the sights are a blur, if you travel when shooting you may run into this.
Rimfire Ric
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Post by Rimfire Ric »

I shot the weekly league indoor 600 match with the ultra dot last night for the first time after zeroing it in. I shot my best score yet and improved over previous week by 16%. I think it was a combination of practice and the new sight, but at least it seemed to help and I am very pleased with the set up and the sight. I appreciate everyone's comments and assistance.
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Joined: Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:58 pm

Post by tedh »

I have the MatchDot. It weighs 4.8 oz. the 25Mm UltraDot weighs 3.9 oz. Since I only use the 4 MOA dot , if I had it to do again I would get the 25mm UltraDot. The dirrerence in weight of 1 oz doesn't seem like much but it makes a difference. With the MatchDot in place my Ruger MK II 5.5 inch target feels nose heavy and I have never gotten used to it. So much so that I have considered having the barrel cut back about 1/2 inch.
I f I could do it again I would get the standard ultradot.
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